

New member
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="es" dir="ltr">Valverde apuesta por... ¡Paulinho y Seri!<a href="">#PortadaSPORT</a><a href=""></a></p>— Diario SPORT (@sport) <a href="">August 5, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Okay I am okay with one of either Paulinho or Martinez but definitely not both of them. Also Turan should leave.

if we could straight swap Turdan for Paulinho i'd accept that.

El Barcelona

Well-known member
Lol. Makes no sense, buying a guy who moved to the Chinese league because he's not good enough and wants to make money...

God Serena

New member
Long day at work. Hands shake when fully opened and move on their own when finally allowed to rest in their curled position. Can't play video games because my thumbs panic when they have to move the sticks.

For a moment I forgot Neymar had left us. I almost caught a heart attack when I saw Paulinho's thread above his. My lord. I need some water.


Senior Member
Hoping that nobody of the Barça board sees this. :shh:


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