Pedro Rodriguez


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Pedro was alright, he did fine when he had the ball and covered Dani's ass way too many times... The problem is that he's not being used in build up and rarely gets the chance to shoot, he's so isolated that he can't have any impact in our front line...

Looks like he's being used to open space for Messi, however Messi is dropping deep, Cesc + Iniesta + Xavi + Busi are clogging up midfield, so we end up with 5 midfielders and Pedro fighting alone against 5 defenders ON THE WING...


Pedro was alright, he did fine when he had the ball and covered Dani's ass way too many times... The problem is that he's not being used in build up and rarely gets the chance to shoot, he's so isolated that he can't have any impact in our front line...

Looks like he's being used to open space for Messi, however Messi is dropping deep, Cesc + Iniesta + Xavi + Busi are clogging up midfield, so we end up with 5 midfielders and Pedro fighting alone against 5 defenders ON THE WING...

Somehow I think it'd be best to switch to 4-4-2, to play cesc and iniesta . The way it has been done, it's not working for a while.


The Culest
Its becoming increasingly hard to justify his place in the lineup. Where is the Pedro of 2 years ago who caused havoc for the opposition defense by making runs and shooting at goal whenever given a sniff at goal. All this workrate nonsense is pure BS. He's a goalscorer first. Defensive workrate is a bonus not his primary task.We play him to present a goalscoring threat. If he is just there to cover Dani's ass due to his abysmal defending then bench Pedro, play Montoya at RB and play Dani as a winger. He has only been marginally better than Alexis. I'd rather prefer Tello+Montoya instead of Dani+Pedro. Atleast Tello has the balls to take on his markers and is not afraid to shoot at the goal whenever given a chance and Montoya knows that he's a FB and his primary task is to defend not lazily roaming the wings


New member
His intense defensive workrate is conditioned by Alves' lack of defensive workrate. Not an excuse, but it goes to show that ultimately he's underperforming because he's trying to do two tasks at once. I'd like to see Tello and Montoya, as well. Although it would be a bit risky to have the entire flank operated only by youngsters. Pedro + Montoya would work much better, or at least would give Pedro some more freedom to do his own job. Then we could see if he's really in bad form or just burdened by Alves.

Pepe Silvia

Active member
Its becoming increasingly hard to justify his place in the lineup. Where is the Pedro of 2 years ago who caused havoc for the opposition defense by making runs and shooting at goal whenever given a sniff at goal. All this workrate nonsense is pure BS. He's a goalscorer first. Defensive workrate is a bonus not his primary task.We play him to present a goalscoring threat. If he is just there to cover Dani's ass due to his abysmal defending then bench Pedro, play Montoya at RB and play Dani as a winger. He has only been marginally better than Alexis. I'd rather prefer Tello+Montoya instead of Dani+Pedro. Atleast Tello has the balls to take on his markers and is not afraid to shoot at the goal whenever given a chance and Montoya knows that he's a FB and his primary task is to defend not lazily roaming the wings
+1. pedro has been bad and alves has lost his form completely. they work within the system though, so with a few tweeks they can begin performing again. but drastic things do need to happen at some point because against stronger sides, we will keep getting exposed.


New member
Why was my post removed? Why have a forum when it gets cencored for giving an opinion onn something without bad language or offending anyone? All i said is maybe messi's selfishness and managements inability to tell him play for the team is one of the reasons that pedro is not playing well, because he is on fire fot the NT


Wild Man of Borneo
It's not Messi's selfishness (he's very selfless if anything) that's holding Pedro back and I don't think the dip in form is making him this bad either. It's his role in the team. With Alves there, he is limited in attack because he is always running around to defend and pressure to make up for Alves' inability to defend. He doesn't have the freedom to make dangerous attacking runs or drift inwards to collect the ball and be involved in play. Also, I may be the only one to notice this, but he seems very passive on the right side and Alves ends up being the one more involved in the play while Pedro sits and watches. It should definitely not be like this. Alves is a defender first and foremost and should be overlapping Pedro instead of drifting in for him. However Pedro just seems to be waiting to run back to defend and covering for Alves way too often. Proof for this is that he's on fire for the NT with goals and is a very reliable attacking outlet whereas in Barcelona he's used as a false winger who gets tied down by a lazy full back.


Active member
Yeah I wonder why Alves never makes an overlapping run to Pedro. It always look like as if Pedro is the fullback and Alves is the winger. Pedro never makes a dribble on his flank these days.

They need to replicate what they do on Left flank to Right flank. If Alba can provide overlapping run to Iniesta or Villa Alves should do the same to Pedro.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
In my opinion, both were blatant dives... Which were horrible to watch by the way...

In my opinion he has a severe case of Alexisitis, a disease known for an unusual unwillingness to take chances on goal...


New member
Both weren't penalties. If you look closely, you'll notice that he went down before the other players did anything to him. It takes skill to see that and I think the referee was brilliant except for the moment when he stood in the way of Messi.

Btw, Pedro has been poor for many games now, I have no idea why he starts every game. Mou or Pep wouldn't hesitate to bench players who perform so poorly and their success shows that it works. You can't just let players be as bad as that and still play them just because they have the potential to be much better. Clear management fault.

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