Pedro Rodriguez


Barçapocalypse NOW!
According to reasonable people, yes. There were plenty who were suggesting other issues.

I must have missed it, so I apologize...

Still, the fact that he scored tonight and that he was crucial doesn't mean he's automatically better than any other player, he was in the pitch for a reason and he delivered, that's all that matters, Tito made the right choice... You don't need to be a genius to know Pedro's finishing, even when on low form, is more reliable than Alexis', however every player brings different things to our game so I don't get the need to compare them...

Pedro's goal was magnificent, though, at first sight I thought it had been deflected but it was a very clinical finishing... His ability to shoot with both legs is like having a pot of gold!


New member
But Pedro is not playing to best level this season. And the last.

I didn't say otherwise. I even admitted Alexis has been in better form recently. But, I repeat, if I were to put money on one of them burying a chance in a QF, I'd pick Pedro any day.
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New member
I must have missed it, so I apologize...

Still, the fact that he scored tonight and that he was crucial doesn't mean he's automatically better than any other player, he was in the pitch for a reason and he delivered, that's all that matters, Tito made the right choice... You don't need to be a genius to know Pedro's finishing, even when on low form, is more reliable than Alexis', however every player brings different things to our game so I don't get the need to compare them...

Pedro's goal was magnificent, though, at first sight I thought it had been deflected but it was a very clinical finishing... His ability to shoot with both legs is like having a pot of gold!

Of course, that's why I said, my initial post was sarcastic and I obviously don't think Pedro has been a better player than Alexis because he scored today. I'm just pointing out that Pedro would usually be the one who's more likely to score.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Of course, that's why I said, my initial post was sarcastic and I obviously don't think Pedro has been a better player than Alexis because he scored today. I'm just pointing out that Pedro would usually be the one who's more likely to score.



New member
I thought he was poor, to be honest I wouldn't let out a tear if both Pedro and Sanchez were shipped out this summer. I will defend him by saying that he got poor delivery tonight.

My biggest problem with alexis and pedro is that they are not the type of players to turn a match when we are playing badly, yes pedro scored tonight but once again Messi provided the magic. I never get the feeling that Pedro/Alexis will grab a game by the horns and produce a magical moment, ( ineista vs chelsea, Messi vs madrid, alves vs madrid etc ) Neither player has the 'X factor'.

Neither player is a game-changer, they are just pieces of the puzzle that can be replaced without disrupting our team.


I didn't say otherwise. I even admitted Alexis has been in better form recently. But, I repeat, if I were to put money on one of them burying a chance in a QF, I'd pick Pedro any day.
Lately, I wouldn't put money on either :p
I'm glad he proved me wrong.

El Guaje

The numbers mean nothing. And I'm not saying Alexis hasn't been in better form lately, because he obviously has, but to suggest that we should somehow give Alexis advantage over Pedro in a CL QF is ridiculous. Every single shot means a world at this stage, and we couldn't afford any of Alexis' horrible misses. Yes, he's been better lately, but if I had to put my money on one of them scoring today, it would be Pedro 10 out of 10 times. I'm 99% sure Alexis would have missed the shit out of that opportunity that Pedro buried.

And for those who haven't figured out, my post was obviously blatant sarcasm, though with a point behind it.

The numbers indicate that Alexis has been the better player since he came to Barca.

Based on performance, it wouldnt be ridiculous because he has been better recently and honestly theyve both been pretty much equally crap game-wise. But yeah, Pedro will always be the one between them that is more likely to score. Would be awesome if he was doing it more consistently....


Erm, if I could say something in defence of Pedro (and Pique & Fabregas), they've all become or likely to become fathers for the first in these past few months. So if it looks like they've been playing with their head in the clouds at times, that might be the reason why. Hopefully, for the rest of the season and next season they might return the sort of form which they have displayed previously.

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