Pedro Rodriguez

Science Kid

"Pedro is a player that can win any manager over. He always has answers for the team. He's a player who can assist; he can score goals; he's generous with his team-mates. It's hard for us to leave him on the bench."

That Martino quote makes my eyes water :tata:

Vamos Pedrito!!!

I actually thank del Bosque for retaining Pedro's confidence by calling him for Euro 2012 and making him a key substitute even though he had a pretty bad season overall.I'm still angry at Pep for leaving Pedro,a player with major cojones on the bench against Chelsea,while we were desperate for a goal and instead made his last substitution...Keita.Worst substitution in the history of our club.
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Most Liga goals for Barcelona this season: Pedro 11 - Alexis 11 - Messi 8 - Cesc 7 - Neymar 6


New member
This is pretty incredible, isn't it? Pedro, Neymar, Sanchez, and soon Messi. All of them absolutely devastating forwards. How the hell is Tata going to decide who plays or not? I get the feeling Neymar is going to get benched occasionally, seeing how he's the youngest. Pedro's teamwork and dedication is incomparable among the four of them. That man breathes Barcelona.


Calma, calma
The lineup I would really like to see, for atleast one home game:


Diego approves.

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