Pedro Rodriguez


Senior Member
He didn't play particularly poorly, especially with Espanyol hanging all over him and no ref calls. He made his runs as usual, tried to connect things up, a couple of worthy throughball attempts that were intercepted, defended well. It was compressed on the right and most of the play went to Neymar on the left, who squandered pretty much everything Pedro would have buried or dished off correctly.




Senior Member
That was the Pedro you all have wanted so badly to play.


Well I noticed this forum regarding Pedro and Alexis is about too many having favorites and waiting after the corner for the other to play not so good to start attacking and barking.

That is a very good example of that which isn't at all constructive.
Recently, those who said Alexis didn't deliver were immediately tagged as "haters", "trolls" or other type of shit.

Wtf? Aren't we all supposed to be Barca supporters ?! Do people here think this forum is about having favorites and fighting for them and against their competitors and their supporters ? Pfffff:(


Super Saiyan
I think ill start a list with the names of Alexis supporters and one of Pedro supporters. So when someone makes a post about one of them, you'll know wetheter they are biased or not. :tito:


Senior Member
Hey it is not about me and you or about Alexis and Pedro or about how is with one and who is with the other it is about Barca, can't you see that even know ?!

Jesus Christ ! In the little time I've spent here I've seen TONS of stupid hatred between users as if they can impose a player or other into the starting lineup....It is as sick as f...


Nepali Cule
sometimes i think he is the most useless player against an organised defense. i will always play neymar n tello against tight defense than him n alexis.

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