Pedro Rodriguez


Yusuf Islam
yea but zlatan is a striker,

i am asking anybody honestly. will zlatan score vs inter? and i just cant see him scoring. their defense is very orginized and his biggest game this season was vs arsenal which is pathetic defensively, i pray he scores but i just cant see it happening.


Fireman Sam
yea but zlatan is a striker,

i am asking anybody honestly. will zlatan score vs inter? and i just cant see him scoring. their defense is very orginized and his biggest game this season was vs arsenal which is pathetic defensively, i pray he scores but i just cant see it happening.

i dont think he will, Lucio and Samuel bullied him like they bullied Drogba...
i know i will get called a fanboy, But bojan starting may not be a bad idea, Pajo said that Lucio struggles with small, fast players...


Senior Member
hes to short and not strong enough. to make up for it you gotta have really good tecnique like messi and xavi and be really fast with the ball, bojan is just fast without the ball but lacks the other two imo, also his shot isnt that great


Fireman Sam
hes to short and not strong enough. to make up for it you gotta have really good tecnique like messi and xavi and be really fast with the ball, bojan is just fast without the ball but lacks the other two imo

Fair enough, i disagree..

Zlatan will start anyway...


Fireman Sam
i dunno, i always rated Zlatan, never liked him, But this next week is his biggest, it will in many peoples eyes, decide whether it was right to sign him or wrong...

If he had Pedritos workrate hed be one of my favourite players...


New member
He did. Pedro ran 10 km and Zlatan 6 km with less playing time.

I :wub: your stats.

Zlatan all but gave piggy back rides to the likes of Lucio and Samuel while he was on the field. lol Like freakin Siamese twins, joined at the hip.

Don't get me wrong, I adore Pedro and admire his work rate. His goal was HUGE for the 2nd leg. Credit to Maxwell for the assist but I think Zlatan played his part in the goal as well.


:lol: at people always dashing Ibra.
Every game he doesn't score, there's people here saying "I wonder if he's going to score blablabla..."

When he scores against Madrid, everyone thinks it's normal because he's a striker. He's a CL chocker, when he scores against Arsenal it's also considered normal because let's face it Arsenal is rubbish.

Saying people are Ibra fanboys, some even say there are Yaya fanboys. But honestly the haters are even worse. I can't believe some people call themselves Culés on here.

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