Penal Madrid


New member
The strength of teams in Europe has shifted. Barca and RM were dominant. They set the bench mark by which others measured themselves. In La Liga they have ceded this season to Athletico, but in Europe Bayern, PSG and Premiership teams are in ascendency.
RM and Barca, heavily in debt, now have to find a way back to the top.The possibility that in Europe Barca and RM become the new Arsenal.
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El Gato

Seeing Allegri is rumored to replace Zidane if he leaves.

No clue why his name isn?t brought up to be Barca coach. He is a proven winner.

Because he's bland AF really

Also lots of rumors floating about, including Allegri, Loew, Conte... Wouldn't trust much of it.


Senior Member
Both Allegri and Conte are top top coaches.
Never suited for Barca, but can succeed anywhere else. Proven.

Hence, from a Barca fan perspestive, I am praying that Zidane continues.


President of FC Barcelona

Bale just returned to Madrid to rest for the Euros and Zidane has already quit and now the Bernabeu is literally on fire.

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