Penal Madrid


New member
Is it bad timing? Yes, definitely. Is it bad for the image of the club captain? Yes. But will it matter when the club restores its reputation? No. Because the only reason why this is happening and why even Iker and his girlfriend are willing to add fuel to the fire and even put his club captain image at risk is because by doing this they're trying to address a much larger issue, which is Mourinho.

El Gato

So essentially you think supporters should not care and give up thinking about the effects now and focus on the effects in the future? You know that can't happen and can't ask people to not be pissed off that the drama is disrupting the club before Barca and United matches. It wouldn't work at any club in this position. Couldn't they hold off till after all the big games? So don't be surprised people are pissed it is happening now.


New member
I just knew this would happen to Madrid eventually. When a team has no character to hold it together they are going to fall apart sooner or later. And in my eyes Mourinho is the biggest part of this lack of moral/character. I can see why Casillas is having such a falling out with him, Casilla seems like a good guy, Mourinho, I don't need even need to say anything.

Barca and Madrid couldn't be more diametrically opposite lol.


New member
Oh, they should care. I'm not surprised they're pissed off, not at all. I would be too, because it's adding fuel to the fire. I'm just saying that ultimately what Sara is doing (and Iker, if they're in this together) is not as stupid and unjustifiable as it might seem at the moment.


Mike the Knife
That BBQ pic remains a hilarious piece of nostalgia - I love it

There's no question Sara's comments had tacit approval from Iker if not altogether planned...and the timing is not ideal but it does underscore how deep the divide must be for Casillas to be taking shots even from the injured list...It's the equivalent of a war now as he must sense that it's unclear if Mou is actually leaving in summer or not...Must be some real fear that he could stay on which would explain him still trying to fuel the fire

How pissed is Mou right now, btw?....Short of getting Iker knocked off, how does he get this thorn in his backside to relent? :hooray:


That BBQ pic remains a hilarious piece of nostalgia - I love it

There's no question Sara's comments had tacit approval from Iker if not altogether planned...and the timing is not ideal but it does underscore how deep the divide must be for Casillas to be taking shots even from the injured list...It's the equivalent of a war now as he must sense that it's unclear if Mou is actually leaving in summer or not...Must be some real fear that he could stay on which would explain him still trying to fuel the fire

How pissed is Mou right now, btw?....Short of getting Iker knocked off, how does he get this thorn in his backside to relent? :hooray:

How do you come by these remarkable insights into the thinking/motives/actions of Iker Casillas?


New member

Despite the soft centre, with ultra-defensive tactics, Madrid can hold out for a draw or even snatch a win.

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