Penal Madrid


Culé de Celestial Empire
Did Osasuna appeal to the TAD last year?

If they overturn the decision and rule in Real Madrid's favor, then we still have the chance of showing the world that the Spanish league is a charade and Real Madrid won't be able to focus on just the league and the CL as they had hoped. :p


Previously known as Mehssi
Did Osasuna appeal to the TAD last year?

If they overturn the decision and rule in Real Madrid's favor, then we still have the chance of showing the world that the Spanish league is a charade and Real Madrid won't be able to focus on just the league and the CL as they had hoped. :p

Osasuna was this year mate, and no they didn't appeal, they apologized and took it like men, aknowledging their mistakes.

Flopez is probably still shredding paperwork now to make any sort of notification disappear.


You're welcome
Did Osasuna appeal to the TAD last year?

If they overturn the decision and rule in Real Madrid's favor, then we still have the chance of showing the world that the Spanish league is a charade and Real Madrid won't be able to focus on just the league and the CL as they had hoped. :p

Do it! I am up for it. Let Real play.


Flair Trait
Of course Uncle Flo will appeal, like he said




Legally rm have no base whatsoever. The "nobody told us" excuse is as lame as it gets.
If somehow tad let them off the hook, $$$ will be involved.


San Claudio Bravo
Real Madrid will continue to play in the CdR.....

No one told them they were eliminated so it is invalid :coffee:


Previously known as Mehssi
Truly a master of timing :lol:

He's getting killed over this on twitter hahaha


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