Penal Madrid


Staff member
What is Perez saving money for? They are 75 million in plus this summer. Can't be for the stadium as they will sure finance it same us. Debts?


New member
And its even worse than just the current gap, we only have an aging Ronaldo who can score goals.
No Morata or James. Mayoral and Vasquez simply isnt good enough. We lost the league by not replacing Morata.

Morata is no world-saver, tbh. Tell Bale and Asensio to shoot more, and only pass to CR every other time, and you will have a lot of goals.
Benzema is also stable in goalscoring, so I see no problem there.

But if it gets worse, you can always loan Paco in January :zidane:


New member
Anybody watching their games lately? They are still able to create lots of chances so I wouldn't worry about quality, they just need to finish. But these lost points will give them a hard time later in the season... I wouldn't write them off so quickly, but it's nice to have some buffer.


President of FC Barcelona
What is Perez saving money for? They are 75 million in plus this summer. Can't be for the stadium as they will sure finance it same us. Debts?

They tried to sign Mbappe, but he rejected them.

Probably didn't find anyone else worth signing.


President of FC Barcelona
They want to go for Lewandowski from what I hear.

I doubt Bayern will sell him.

They've also been linked to Timo Werner lately. I think Madrid will keep Benzema for as long as Cristiano is there as he's the best striker for them right now when it comes to playing to CR's strengths. Any other CF will come at odds with CR.


Well-known member
Let us keep it positive and look at how Zidane built his own coffin by "over relying" on youngsters.

Madrid lost an experienced CB (Pepe), CAM (James) & and a ST (Morata) ... yet they did not buy experienced replacements. Their team is thin and they will suffer if a striker or a defender gets injured

Quoting myself back in September 2nd :)


Senior Member
They will come back. Once they start hitting the back of the net their confidence will return. Expect to see an 16-17 match unbeaten run then.

They haven't become shit overnight. Why on earth they don't sell Bale is beyond me. They could easily get 85 million for him. They could then buy another striker. Bale has never convinced at Madrid. Shown flashes of brilliance but missing most of the time.


New member
They will come back. Once they start hitting the back of the net their confidence will return. Expect to see an 16-17 match unbeaten run then.

They haven't become shit overnight. Why on earth they don't sell Bale is beyond me. They could easily get 85 million for him. They could then buy another striker. Bale has never convinced at Madrid. Shown flashes of brilliance but missing most of the time.

yes very likely they have an unbeaten run, and they will come back, but the easy points they already lost is beyond any bad periods in the last years. and even then they never really made a really sucessfull comeback. 11/12 and 16/17, thelast ligas in almost 10 years they were never that much behind. ( 2006/2007 was their last comeback liga win)

conclusion: barca should not feel safe at all but its simple logic, this points are eternally lost for them and this is an advantage, no matter how good their run is that comes.


Senior Member
Doubt they will have a run anywhere near to what they had last year.

The quality of the squad depth isn't near as good.


Senior Member
The thing is that the Real reserves (Morata, James and co.) absolutely dominated in La Liga at the end of last season. They were the reason why Real won the league. Now they are gone.


Senior Member
We cant beat relegation fodder, but we beat in-form Sociedad and Dortmund away from home.
I dont understand this team.

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