Pep is a true Catalan patriot, not only a sports legend but an icon of an entire nation. 

Pep Guardiola has spoken to the crowd from NY:
According to ElMundo he has said: "Here you have another vote in favour of independence"
There was a very large rally recently for Catalan Independence with 1.5 million people turning out http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-19566838. From that article, I was surprised to hear that the Catalan Government doesn't collects its own taxes like the Basque Country's does. Can anyone enlighten me why there are different tax policies for both those regions? I apologize if this question got answered already.
There is a Catalan community in California I think, but we aren't talking a huge size.
If Catalunya were to separate from Spain, what would happen to FC Barcelona? could it compete in la liga still?
it's the only wayQuestion.
If Catalunya were to separate from Spain, what would happen to FC Barcelona? could it compete in la liga still?
Because Basque countries gave their support to Philip V during the War of the Spanish Succession (1701–1714). Catalans fought for Charles VI among the Holy Roman Empire, the Dutch Republic, Great Britain, Prussia, Portugal and Savoy. When the war finished with the invasion of Barcelona the 11th of September, Philip V gave that privileges to Basque Countries and repression to Catalan people. Through the time those privileges have been kept. The lost them while Franco's Dictatorship but when it finished Spaniards thought they could finish with ETA if those rights were given back. ETA did not disolve but the Basques enjoy their own tax system today.
PD: ETA ceased armed activities last year.