Ibra needs to play for RM and complete the cycle anyway.
My biggest fear is that he will bring with him Busi, I really hope Barcelona dig deeeeeeep to hold on to Busquets, some worrying signs have appeared on the horizon, among them a very close person to him (a relative) said on the radio not long ago that he hoped the club would show more appreciation of Busquets. That, I don't like at all as you can read all sorts of things into it. On top of that we know that Busi will be eternally grateful to Guardiola and I'm not sure his Catalan feelings will be enough to keep him here if he feels under-appreciated. Guardiola will try to bring a player with him from Barcelona and I fear that one is Busi![]()
I can't honestly believe Pep would take players from the club...that's gotta be a cardinal sin he wouldn't dare make
no chance,i'm sure players love him but fortunately in our case players love barca even more.I'm not worried one bit about players leavingI doubt Pep will try to get any player from Barça to follow him.
A manager is a manager at the end of the day, they want what will help their club (excluding MeMeMeMourinho) if Pep spots an opportunity to guide a player he used to coach back with him it will be very likely that he'll seize it. Saying that I don't see him trying to poach players, I just think it's possible he'd act if he saw that a player was unsettled, which any good manager would. Hardly Judas behavior really, just business
We're talking Barcelona, it's més que en club and Guardiola is the prodigal son...You can't apply the usual scenarios to Barça
A player that is unsettled is shown the door, that applies whether Pep is in the mix or not
This is totally different from Pep trying to get a player like Busquets, who wont be in the market.I'm not talking about whether a player will leave because Pep says so, I'm talking about whether Pep would try to buy one of Barcelona's players if the opportunity arose and the answer is yes, whether people want to admit it or not
This is totally different from Pep trying to get a player like Busquets, who wont be in the market.