Pep Guardiola



he should come to Dortmund - by his nature, he'd better fit to Dortmund as to Bayern. He'd certainly earn less money, but have young talented players around. That would be great.
Why would you want Klopp to go?


New member
I don't remember who said this a few months ago when Tito was announced but in terms of tactics Tito was always the brain behind Guardiola and we can see this.

Tito is better so far.


New member
I don't remember who said this a few months ago when Tito was announced but in terms of tactics Tito was always the brain behind Guardiola and we can see this.

Tito is better so far.

Same thing was said about Rijkaard and Ten Cate.

And while I can't really rate Rikaard as a tactical genius, I would like to see how this Pep/Tito thing could be proven actually. It's just amazing how with one sentence one could erase Pep from the big picture. Like he was just some kind of a puppet, waiting for Tito to give him instructions what to do. Oh, come on.


New member
tito's real test will be now.
becoz in UCL actually tactical knowledge will be tested(becoz teams with big budget and good managers).


Monster Masch
Most places seem to report that he is close to Bayern. Not sure how the move will work out for him but It's a fresh challenge for him in a new place which is what Pep seems to enjoy. I also think he's waiting for the right opportunity in England with Man Utd probably being his favoured destination.


New member
Most places seem to report that he is close to Bayern. Not sure how the move will work out for him but It's a fresh challenge for him in a new place which is what Pep seems to enjoy. I also think he's waiting for the right opportunity in England with Man Utd probably being his favoured destination.

Bayern is the best club for him to go to next. Its a well run club with good foundations for him to do well both domestically and in Europe. I agree about him waiting for the right opportunity in England. The only two clubs that will have him this summer really are Man City and Chelsea and I don't think Pep is really attracted to them. He'll wait a few years to either succeed Ferguson or Wenger.

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