Don't watch any of Bayern. Hows Peps project going?
Pep Guardiola: a year in the life of a serial title winner
“I like this atmosphere. I could see myself coaching here one day.”
May 2009, Guardiola rings Lionel Messi late at night, before El Clasico: “Leo, it’s Pep. I’ve just seen something important. Really important. Why don’t you come over. Now, please.”
At 10.30pm there is a gentle knock at Pep’s office door and a 21-year-old Leo Messi comes in. The coach shows him the video, pausing it to point out the empty space. He wants his player to make that space his own. From now on it will be “the Messi zone”.
“Tomorrow in Madrid I want you to start on the wing as usual, but the minute I give you a sign I want you to move away from the midfielders and into the space I just showed you.”
Interesting read!Pep Guardiola: a year in the life of a serial title winner
“I like this atmosphere. I could see myself coaching here one day.”
May 2009, Guardiola rings Lionel Messi late at night, before El Clasico: “Leo, it’s Pep. I’ve just seen something important. Really important. Why don’t you come over. Now, please.”
At 10.30pm there is a gentle knock at Pep’s office door and a 21-year-old Leo Messi comes in. The coach shows him the video, pausing it to point out the empty space. He wants his player to make that space his own. From now on it will be “the Messi zone”.
“Tomorrow in Madrid I want you to start on the wing as usual, but the minute I give you a sign I want you to move away from the midfielders and into the space I just showed you.”
I want him back with full control.
It's not gonna happen while this board is here. I don't even think it'd happen if Laporta was back... Pep knows he'll never reach that same success with Barça again. Some things are better left untouched.
I don't think no one will repeat that success with anyone in the near future. That period was insane and product of many things coming together at the same time.
But I'm sure Pep can bring continuity back and higher demands on the players. I miss his reactions from the bench.
When are elections?
It's not gonna happen while this board is here. I don't even think it'd happen if Laporta was back... Pep knows he'll never reach that same success with Barça again. Some things are better left untouched.