Deco 20
Scandinavian 101
This is brilliant! Looks like Pepe is protecting the ball (in the movie adaptation a deer or an orphan kid) from the vile agressor Kun Agüero.

I swear this guy did not get hugged enough by his mother when he was a child or something.. there are some deep issues with this one
An absolute sociopath. I've never seen another human being be so close to an animal mentally. In Pepe's case, physically too.
I don't know. He's not looking back, but he knew there was a player there. It looks unintentional, but it's Pepe. he's a lunatic, and has done worse before. i wouldn't put it past him to be intentional.Lol at everyone that thinks it was intentional. I understand you hate Pepe, and he does have a negative reputation, but it's clear it wasn't intentional.
I don't know. He's not looking back, but he knew there was a player there. It looks unintentional, but it's Pepe.
Only he knows if it was intentional or not. The footage makes it looks unintentional because he wasn't looking back, but he could have kicked back in the hopes to hit someone behind him. It's hard for me to try to give him the benefit of the doubt even in cases like this, for all the psycho stuff he has done.Exactly what I was saying, you're basing your argument on him being Pepe and not the actual footage. But okay, you're free to your opinion.