Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang


Well-known member
Imagine what he'll do in training to these bums

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Typical reaction from MATS as he shits pants when the ball is directed at the upper corner of the goal.

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Culé de Celestial Empire
One of the first things Aubameyang has done is to become a socio of Barcelona. [@Alfremartinezz]

I was wondering about whether the clubs automatically give out soci memberships to players who join us and someone told me it is up to the players. Yesterday Adama got his too, perhaps he never was a soci (doubt it) or he rescinded it when he left?


Well-known member
I was wondering about whether the clubs automatically give out soci memberships to players who join us and someone told me it is up to the players. Yesterday Adama got his too, perhaps he never was a soci (doubt it) or he rescinded it when he left?

I wonder about it, too. I believe it's up to the players choice. I remember seeing Pique and Messi and few others, but not the likes of Dembele vote at the last elections.


Culé de Celestial Empire
I wonder about it, too. I believe it's up to the players choice. I remember seeing Pique and Messi and few others, but not the likes of Dembele vote at the last elections.

Yeah, makes sense. I think the core Catalan players, aka the amigos, Pique, Busquets, Alba, Sergi Roberto etc. are all socis and many are simply not. Pep is still a soci, and so should Messi be, I think.

Kudos to Auba for wanting to become a soci.


Senior Member
Already had a fight with Xavi according to various reports

Aubameyang to Xavi and the group: "I prefer to be called Auba, not Aubameyang."

Xavi: " I prefer to call you finished"

Aubameyang " if you knew anything about finishing you wouldn't be struggling for top 4"

The pair had to be separated by Puig and Busquets

This isn't good news bros



Senior Member
Typical reaction from MATS as he shits pants when the ball is directed at the upper corner of the goal.

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That was Neto.


Senior Member
One of the first things Aubameyang has done is to become a socio of Barcelona. [@Alfremartinezz]

We have heard enough of the symbolic trivial shit done by the players.. Oh his cereals are blue and red.. Oh he wipes his ass humming the barca hymn.. Who gives a fuck what they do or do not outside the pitch.

Home of Barca Fans
