what do you mean?
Monsieur Flaministud
Haven't you seen the last 5 seconds? He lets play go on, then sees the final pass puts the attacker one on one with the keeper and he whistles for full time

what do you mean?
Monsieur Flaministud
KProb meant him ending the match when Swansea was on a 1V1
Pathetic. Strong possibility we won't get Top 4.
Very strong.
We will finish top 4. I can gloat and claim that all day long, because people always say we won't and we always do. Wenger always does it.
We will finish top 4. I can gloat and claim that all day long, because people always say we won't and we always do. Wenger always does it.
As much as I hate Mourinho, he was correct when he said that Wenger was a specialist in failure. He should do the honourable thing and leave at the end of the season, regardless of whether they win the F.A. Cup and/or finish Top Four.
For the prices Arsenal fans pay to support their team, they deserve better.
As much as I hate Mourinho, he was correct when he said that Wenger was a specialist in failure. He should do the honourable thing and leave at the end of the season, regardless of whether they win the F.A. Cup and/or finish Top Four.
Depends on your definition of success.Would he be right if we win the FA cup?