What's happening with France' proposed 75 % tax rate? I read that the government is not willing to budge, so when/if it is implemented, how do you think it will effect clubs like PSG, Monaco, Other Ligue 1 teams and France Football in general?
Monaco is not concerned by this tax or any other french taxes because even if they play in the french league, they are a team from another country.
That's why french clubs are asking them to transfer their headquarter in France, but obviously, they refuse.
PSG doesn't care on the Financial side of things because Qataries are so full of money that they don't care even if them alone pays more than half the amount of the tax.
PSG will pay 24M per year, Marseille 6M, Lyon 5M. They are the main contributors among the 44M euros that the state will gain from taxing the French League 1 and 2.
Now the problem is that beside PSG,
EVERY clubs will greatly suffer from this tax. Including Marseille and Lyon. They will have to sell players during the winter mercato.
It will lower the level of the league again.
Same for smaller clubs.
PSG are terrified by the idea of seeing the level of league going down the shitter. They are not happy at all.
The main problem is that this tax is retroactive and too high. Meaning the tax will concern clubs' budgets from this year.
Imagine that you run a company. You and your CA vote a budget for the year. Now imagine that near the end of the same year, a new tax appears asking you to pay money you didn't include in your budget you voted at the beginning of the fiscal year.
Obviously you will be in the red if you don't have any reserve in money.
So what will you do ? You will start to fire people and reduce your activity.
Now the BIG problem is that François Hollande knows nothing about football and that he uses this stupid tax as a token to please all the socialists and communists that are part of the shitty country that France currently is.
(i say stupid because this tax is useless,
it goes against the fundamental principle of any tax: aka, it concerns only a few people and the state earns almost no money from it. 44M is really nothing compared to the billions France needs to pay its debts and to pay for the enormous public expenses socialists refuse to cut)
French Socialists and Communists (green party here are rebranded communists too) are a plague, all they do is raising the taxes, and create new ones. While helping illegal immigrants first and not giving a fu** about poor french that should be helped first and foremost. They continue to spend public money, and refuse to cut the public expenses.
They think France can help all the poor people from this world while rejecting the idea that you can't slice a cake endlessly (the cake being public money)
So here we are, the socialists started a campaign against rich people.
Since football clubs (which are not rich at all beside PSG. All the others are full of debts) and footballers are considered all rich, and since they don't know anything about the economy in football, they created this tax as a token and say "LOOK, WE CREATE NEW TAXES BECAUSE RICH PEOPLE HAVE TO GIVE THEIR MONEY"
It's ridiculous. I am part of one of the few countries where earning money is seen as a dangerous illness.
Be successful and immediatly you become the enemy of everyone. Even if you never did anything bad in your life, you earn lots of money, so you're an enemy.