Didn't Bale have his best season as a free-roaming central role at Tottenham?
Things are looking good for Barca if he keeps playing Bale as a 10.
He can't be worse centrally than on the wing but the player he pushes out on the wing will be worse on the wing than centrally. It's almost like playing Iniesta on the wing and Neymar as a CAM.
You fail to see the reality of the situation. Perez is basically a dictator, and he WANTS to make Bale work somehow. Maybe he doesnt decide his excact position on field, but Benitez have no choice but to play him, its that simple. He cant be worse central than on right wing at least.
"I would not hesitate to bench Cristiano if necessary, but he always is a garantee of goals"
"There is no debate, he deserves to win the Balon d'Or again" .....
It seems like they plugged electrochocs on him and Perez has the remote, say anything other than CR is the best in the galaxy and you get yourself a nice 1000Volts charge![]()
he is a clown, he will soon lose the dressing room
Definitely, Benzema already hating him. Matter of time before Ronaldo and Ramos turn on him and that will be the end of it.
Hopefully after and april manita where they lose la liga and get kickked out of the second round of the cl.