Rafinha Alcantara


Senior Member
Guys, would you like him to start tonight against Atletico, along Rakitic and Busi?

He "destroyed" Elche, now he needs to repeate that couple of times, then he needs to start "destroying" teams like Sociedad, Valencia...then he is ready. Of course he should enter later but for games like this Iniesta all the way.


Of course he's ready... works hard, doesn't do any mistakes and shows good creativity, is in good form as well...don't see why not


New member
The only way to know if he's ready is to let him play. I feel Lucho shouldn't do that today, but if we win today he should get a chance in the return.


Active member
as long as rakitic and busquets play in the midfield, and no surprises are offered in the attack or in the defense, then i'm fine with rafa starting over ini


Senior Member
We have just found the best balance for our team in the last 2-3 Seasons.

If you want Rafinha, so that our current best 11 can have some rest for La Liga matches, then ok.
If you want Rafinha in order to test if we can find "even better" first 11, then a big no.

This is not a moment for experiments.
With a few wins, our team can be back on track to fight for all 3 titles.
And with unneeded experiments, we can lose the momentum, lose the balance, sack Lucho and lose the chance to fight for titles.

So, no.
This is the moment when a team is more important than a single player, especially youngsters.


New member
I think if we win this one then maybe start him in the away game defensively I'd say he is good enough idk if he will be able to create against a team as good as atleti yet.

And no he's not as good as Isco is now, but he's as good as Isco was last year when Isco was his age and he's getting better with every game and if he's given time til the end of this season then he might be ready to start displacing iniesta.


High Definition Member
We should keep him as a sub for now. We have a lot if talent coming through to overtake iniesta when the time is right.


New member
We should keep him as a sub for now. We have a lot if talent coming through to overtake iniesta when the time is right.

This. As long as he's prepared to be patient, there is potentially a permanent position for him within the next couple of years when Don Andres has to start managing his game time. There are still plenty of opportunities in the mean time for him to play, though.


New member
Xavi is the one stunting his growth. Rafinha has been playing wonderful in copa and doesn't get a sniff because coach Xavi wants to partner Iniesta and Busi in the mid like it's 2009.


Active member
Definitely not as good as Isco YET but thats because Isco has been playing consistently (well until Modric comes back) and is older. He needs games and time but I feel he will make it. In fact I know he will make it. Brazil needs him to lead us to the hexa lmao.

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