Rangers FC thread


New member
i dont think its any coincedince that a lot of rangers catholic players such as amoruso tucked the red bit in. scum scum scum

"This has to be said about Rangers…as a Scottish Football club they are a permanent embarrassment and an occasional disgrace. This country would be a better place if Rangers did not exist". - Ian Archer (journalist 1970s)

Brian Clough: "What team did you say you support again?"
Man in the studio audience: "RANGERS!"
Brian Clough: "That's not a football team! That's a gang of villains."
The irrepressible Brian Clough on "Sport in Question"

"I'd just come from Italy and France which are catholic countries,very warm and friendly,and here I was in Glasgow with some of my team-mates [i.e. fellow Rangers players] hating catholics. I just couldn't understand it and frankly found it ridiculous."
Ray Wilkins on an ESPN documentary said about Rangers (June 2007)

Walter Smith, a two-time former manager of the club and now manager of Scotland, once said to me: “There is a Protestant superiority syndrome around this club . . . you can feel it.”
Graham Speirs quoting Walter Smith (taken from his book on Paul Le Guen's time at Rangers, 2007)

"When I came here in 1964, we had no Catholics," he said. "Not just the playing staff, anywhere. There was no bit of paper, it was an unwritten rule. Sandy Jardine

It was not until the 1960’s that the burning issue of sectarianism reared its ugly head at Ibrox. A former player, Ralph Brand, made the sectarian policy at Rangers public knowledge and around this time the behaviour of Rangers fans was a real problem for the club. In 1963, Rangers fans jeered during the minute’s silence for assassinated Catholic U.S. President John F. Kennedy. Then, in 1967, then vice Chairman Matt Taylor was questioned about Rangers no Catholics policy and he stated that he felt that they policy was “part of our tradition....we were formed in 1873 as a Protestant boys club. To change now would lose us considerable support.”
Vice-Chairman Matt Taylor of Rangers from 1960s

Lionel Messi, the Barcelona striker, accused the Scottish side of indulging in "anti-football" when the same goalless Ibrox scoreline was achieved against his own team in the Champions League. Now Mutu has expressed his own distaste.
"I've never seen a team play like that at home before, but that is their game, their tactic, and what they believe in," he said. "I thought maybe they would want to make more of a spectacle for the fans. For me, it was an ugly game. They were defending all the time and I just hope we see a bit more attacking, some spectacular"
Mutu (Fiorentina) on Rangers just before 2nd leg game in UEFA cup v Rangers (Apr 08)

"....yes we've had some pretty rank poets over the years. Thomson was probbaly a Rangers fan in-waiting. Rule Britannia has no modern value and should be dumped in the dustbin of history. It celebrates sentiments and ideologies that have brought great shame on parts of 'our' collective British history. Anyone that thinks slavery is smart or justifiable or just a wind up should reconsider why this song still persists in parts of neandrathal British life. Forget the 'Hokey Cokey' guff, Rule Brittania is a song that lords it over other races, celeberates institutionalised racisim, and promnotes racial supremacy and it should be banned. No correction it should not need to be banned. People should be so ashamed of its vile sentiments they would not knowingly sing it. Its hardly surprising that Rangers fans are the exception. No one else would want to sing this dated piece of imperialist cant. "
Stuart Cosgrove (Journalist)







just to clear up i think one of them disturbing photos may be hamburg fans, i didnt realise that when i posted it (hamburg and scumgers fans shag each other on a daily basis hence the nazi salutes)
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Cule Angles

Visca el filòsof!
I had to laugh at that Stuart Cosgrove quote and his ignorant misconception of the meaning of Rule Britannia's lyrics. The song is NOT an endorsement of slavery or white supremacy or anything of the sort, it's a celebration of the freedoms that Britain enjoyed/enjoys and the fact that she was not ruled over by another nation. Yes it's a celebration of Britain's naval might and imperial powers but not slavery. The man in question needs his head checking.

Celtic FC 1967

Granizo Granizo los celtas Son Aqu?*
Since being forced to ditch their songs about being "up to their knees in Fenian blood, surrender or you'll die", Rangers fans have started singing an equally sinister song calling on Irish people to leave Scotland and that "the famine is over, it's time to go home."

Imagine the outcry if the following lyrics were sung towards black people urging them to go back to Africa?

Why don't you go home,
Why don't you go home,
Slavery is over,
Why don't you go home?

Rangers fans have been signing this song for months now and at last some folk in high places are starting to take note. The SFA have done practically nothing. Rangers FC have done less which is quite disturbing given that they can identify every single season ticket holder in their stadium. The song has been heard at every Rangers game this season, both home and away. Apparently Rangers are quite lucky that they are not in Europe this year as rumours abound that this is the straw that has broken the camel's back with UEFA and a European ban is thought to (at last) be on the cards for them.

The Consulate General of Ireland in Scotland has started a probe into the racist behaviour of Rangers fans at last weeks Glasgow derby match at Celtic Park. Rangers fans have now replaced those songs of religious intolerance with an offensive anti-Irish piece mocking the victims of The Great Hunger. The song is titled "The Famine is over, Why don't you go home" and a spokesman for the Irish Government confirmed that they had raised the matter with the Scottish Government.

Disgusted Celtic fans have waited in vain for some action to be taken against the racists but it seems that other than the Celtic fans themselves and one London-based Scottish journalist, no-one was interested in even acknowledging this shocking behaviour never mind condemning it. But now that the Irish government has become involved on an official level this will have to change... and it has started to.

Only in the last couple of days have Celtic, through John Reid, decided to comment publicly on this racism.

‘Along with many others, I know you have written to the Club about the behaviour of visiting supporters who gave vent to a song which I have no hesitation in condemning as racist and deeply offensive. As both Rangers Football Club and Strathclyde Police have stated, the content of the song - which is directed against the community of Irish descent in Scotland - is in breach of Race Relations legislation and exposes its perpetrators to the risk of prosecution.

The Irish Famine was a human tragedy of immense proportions. It is one of the few such events for which the British Government has expressed specific regret for its share of responsibility. Few of those who sing this song will have stopped to think that Famine is non-sectarian and the millions of people who died or were forced into mass emigration - some of them to Scotland - were from all faiths and traditions within Ireland.

We should condemn racism and sectarianism without fear or favour wherever they arise. That is an essential part of Celtic Football Club’s ethos. The club has always been open to all people. We draw our Board of Directors, shareholders, management, players, footballing heroes and supporters from all races and religions. We draw our very name, Celtic, from the bonds that unite the Scottish and Irish peoples irrespective of political or religious traditions, bonds and a heritage that remain a source of pride to us today.

In condemning the actions of others, Celtic must always be vigilant with regard to our own conduct and reputation. Celtic supporters have received well-earned international plaudits in recent years for the way in which they conduct themselves at home and abroad. But we are not complacent. I would again condemn, without equivocation, the use of any chants or songs which can be interpreted as support for religious or ethnic hatred, or for acts of violence. The assistance of true Celtic supporters in weeding out the minority who persist in that behaviour, usually at away games, is greatly appreciated and results in stringent action.

Thank you again for drawing this matter to my attention. Our supporters can rest assured that Celtic will continue to work with all interested parties to remove the twin cancers of racism and sectarianism from Scottish football and our wider society.



This is even more pathetic than the City v United argument.

There aren't even any Rangers fans on here to argue with ffs.


New member
There aren't even any Rangers fans on here to argue with ffs.

cule angles seems to be a rangers fan judging by some of his comments :lol:

I had to laugh at that Stuart Cosgrove quote and his ignorant misconception of the meaning of Rule Britannia's lyrics. The song is NOT an endorsement of slavery or white supremacy or anything of the sort, it's a celebration of the freedoms that Britain enjoyed/enjoys and the fact that she was not ruled over by another nation. Yes it's a celebration of Britain's naval might and imperial powers but not slavery. The man in question needs his head checking.

did you laugh at the nazi salutes?or the racist chanting telling irish people in scotland to go home? scum

Cule Angles

Visca el filòsof!
Did I say I laughed at those?

I'm not a Rangers fan by the way, I hate both of the Old Firm in equal measure.

**Post edited by maz**


I walk the line
Please don't use this site as a way to proclaim your hatred for your rival. If you hadn't already realised, your fans have been proclaiming it for the last million years. We get it. Celtic hate rangers and rangers hate celtic. Please use the club topics to discuss the current affairs and history of the club that others will find interesting. Thank you.


I just dont really think its all its cracked up to be. Generally, no disrepect to you, I just think Scottish football is crap, and therefore that makes "The Old Firm Derby", simply the best bit of the crap. Its really not that exciting tbh...Tottenham vs Arsenal is better to watch, and that doesnt even come close to something like El Clasico....


I walk the line
They are free to think it's good football and makes enjoyable watching. I always am interested in the winner of the old firm derbies. But while i understand the rivalry exists, we dont want this topic to become a back-and-forth between two sets of fans.


I walk the line
Please use the club topics to discuss the current affairs and history of the club that others will find interesting. Thank you.

We've had too many complaints from users regarding the man city vs man utd debates. We dont want to see them about celtic vs rangers too. No one cares except for the hyped-up fans involved.

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