And? What was made of them? Nothing. Besides Ranieri no one really paid cared. A couple of back and forth arguments did not change anything. If anything Mourinho on countless times praised Italian football and indirectly paid his respect to small club managers for their ability to make things difficult on the pitch.
Pure hate? Far from. One fan's actions is not to be mistaken for an entire region. If you want spite and 'pure hate' (which, btw is a very strong word) check out Bilbao and what they do to Casillas every year.
Sevilla play us off the park season in and season out, and their stadium is even rowdier but nothing suggests that Sevilla hate us.
Sporting is a competitive club, always been always will be. It is their nature. They relish these moments, it is what defines them. When they lost to Barcelona 6-1, they stood their ground and they attacked. Next week they did the same against Madrid and lost 7-1, but they don't back down.
This is Spain my friend, on the Mediterranean, back and forth shit talking and boiling blood is in the nature of everyone in that region. A cup of coffee and the rest is history.
Inter were not respected in Europe, in fact most clubs couldn't careless for Inter because they had no place in Europe. Now they do, and nobody besides Barcelona hate Inter. Mind you, please do not mix up Benitez's flopping in Europe with them being a lot more likable
In short, studies, opinions, forums, financial figures, cup titles whatever it may be that any of here uses to prove the club's reputation in Europe, football is about winning and that is what people remember. If you play beautiful kudos to you, but if not, a legendary result is a legendary result.
Madrid's success and its size in Europe is far bigger than one person. Mourinho will never be part of Real Madrid's history and will never change the club's reputation with his antics. Tomorrow, should he fall out with Perez and move on, all this will be forgotten and people who hate madrid will continue to hate madrid, and people who love madrid will continue to love madrid. Nuetrals will come and go, because of success.
Football fans don't hate, football fans love to enjoy football. No matter how bitter or hostile you are, unless it is political most people pay attention to the winner.
If you look at Madrid's reputation in England you'd find strong ties with Manchester, Chelsea, Liverpool, and perhaps Arsenal. In fact, Barcelona made more enemies in London than Madrid have. Madrid's close relationship with Milan is another indication of Madrid's popularity. Again, Barcelona made more enemies in Milan than Madrid ever have.
As long as Real Madrid remains part of the elite (which reminds me, I hope we move back to pot 1 soon

) Mourinho's gestures and comments will not have a serious impact on the club's reputation.