Real Madrid (old thread)

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Cristiano Ronaldo. Yes, the game yesterday were for Charity - for good things. Please read here:


Good cover for all the lousy things they've done in the last month.

And no ... we don´t do lousy things; WE HAVE WON LA COPA DEL REY! Is this nothing?!? XD
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If he did, it was ages ago because I don't remember him doing so recently. He was a winger for Bayern. But maybe el tren would know more.


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All the signings Madrid did until now are very low key. Can we still expect something or is austerity now also the motto for Madrid? Any insights from the Madridistas?


Mike the Knife
Another smart/cheap buy but also another player Madrid don't need.

Agree but I guess it's never bad to have a player of his caliber and captaincy (Turkey NT) on the bench...Very versatile player and a ton of experience in big matches

I like Alintop but I can only assume for not much longer now that he will be playing for the devil...But, I agree, it's not a 'need' per se...I mean, depth wasn't really an issue this past season yet they're still going for depth players?...Seems odd...Mou is building a large squad iike he had at Chelsea


Dr. Raed St. Claire
If he plays left back (which I don't think he does) it makes sense because of his experience and his success. Marcelo played a lot this season and has Copa America to play this summer so we will need adequate replacement while Arbeloa operates on the right side.

El Gato

Does he even play left back?

Only heard that he is very capable of playing almost anywhere except purely attacking position.

Xavi_78 said:
All the signings Madrid did until now are very low key. Can we still expect something or is austerity now also the motto for Madrid? Any insights from the Madridistas?

Doesn't need to be high key. For what, 7-8 years already, Madrid required stability and lately they only got 1.5 seasons with the same coach and similar squad. Now with Mourinho they'll get a lot more of it if the players keep their form and mentality from the previous season. I don't expect any important acquisitions, unless Bilbao will officially enable Llorente to contact other clubs as to his transfer since it's the only possible high profile transfer RM could possibly make.

As for Altintop being non-factor, sure he will be less important, but it will allow Mourinho to rotate the squad more often since it won't only be Arbeloa who will be the regular role player.

Good transfer without having to pay anything and Altintop also agreed to very, very average wages which doesn't put pressure on anyone.


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Twitter Raphael Honigstein re Altinitop

he can help out as RM or RB but his best position is CM. sadly never played there for reasons outlined before. Sahin much, much better

re Altintop to RM. very honest, hard-working player, great shooting. problem is his decision-making. never trusted in CM by Bayern

Catalonian Devil

Shukran Pep
He can play left back, but is average at best there from what I seen. In CM is where he is truly a force, underrated in that position IMO...

Would've been an excellent deal for Real had they actually needed a CM, but for the left back position? I would've went with someone who plays there naturally...

El Gato

I don't think Lass will be sold, but who knows. Gago will go for sure, so will Pedro Leon, as for Canales I think Jose will leave it up to him.

And which fairly experienced left back who would accept a backup role would you choose Cat Devil ?
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