Another superb post by Bojan.
Beast, with all due respect, teasing is what little kids do. Children who have yet to lead, to grow up, to gain experience. Child qualities that are not something you would expect from a manager/leader at a club as big as yours. Mourinho's antics have spread like wildfire - making even the most mild mannered and respected Blanco appear foolish and classless (see Iker/Xabi), and if you think your reputation remains untarnished, think again.
Mourinho is making a mockery of your club president and office, having made it appear that what they have been witnessing over the last few seasons was merely "harmless fun" and "acceptable behavior" when in fact the rest of the footballing world understands that it was much more severe than that.
It has been a wild ride of disgusting behavior and has undoubtedly damaged your clubs reputation. There is very little funny about it, just poor all around. Going around teasing Barca like some retarded jester? Think about what a jester does- provide cheap laughs and jokes- if that's funny to you then laugh away. Your current manager is a joke. We will be laughing our way to some more silverware with our hard work and philosophy.
Jose can't make a mockery of the club , his actions reflect on the club relation with Barcelona and that's dealt with by the president and your president ..both know that the action still represent Jose behavior not the club behavior
It doesn't transmit or reflect to the entire club and to quote you guys .. having some idiots make racist chants for Marcelo doesn't make all cule's racist or all those who attended the game racist , ditto for the Bernabeu ..
Reputation of clubs never stained by such persons who is Jose Mourinho compared to Real Madrid ? he is nobody and will die one day but the club will live forever .. it's not a case of the club was small till Jose took over u know that Pepe
I can not understand how you can label such an act of malice as tease and fun. A friend told me that in rugby, surely no pussy sport, to attack somebodys eye is the lowest of low and surely no expression of being a man, how Mou assured as in his PK he was raised.
In my first post after the second leg i condemned both Marcelo and Jose for their actions .. however i would be lying if i say i didn't laugh when i saw that..i did laugh and i laughed on the guy in my avatar ..i mean there is nothing to gain from what he did nor he will hurt Tito eyes .. it was so childish it was funny
1) "answers usually relate to the person asking and his previous posts" : this is a common fallacy in discussion and is called 'Appeal to authority' (or the opposite of an authority.. Same function)
2) Besides, i dont like you either from what you post and how you insult people, but i am obliged to continue discussing with you all day long for the simple reason that we are not alone here.. There are so many people reading the forum.. We represent opinions, especially in long-post debates.. If you fail to support your argument, you lose.. Your argument loses.. No matter who expressed the opinion..
3) You don't have the right to insult other people, no matter what you make of their posts and history.. This should have been taken care long time ago by the administrators.. I dont know if they are friend of yours, but this has been pointed out by some other members also and is unacceptable..
4) Tactics is a matter of interpretation, unless you can provide me with the extended tactical analysis or report by the coaching stuff.. As long as this does not happen, everyone is free to express his POV on the strategies employed and he can back this up with any kind of arguments.. And the arguments class is what makes all of the interest there.. Divergence in opinions can be minimal or great.. Its up to anyone to think and agree or disagree..
5) You simple dont know what i will argue.. And really in the few debates between us, you have not proven me wrong, but instead you have demonstrated your ability to insult...
1- sorry that's me , your posts reflects on you .. some people get along some people don't get along that's how life is we can't change that.. just because your previous replies don't (IMO ) make it worthy for a reply from my side doesn't mean i do that with others .. just some selected members
2- I don't expect you to like me nor i long for that , however you asked me personally and i have the right to reply or not to reply i didn't seek for it..and there is no loser or winner in a debate , a debate represent two sides of an argument , i don't expect to change your opinion after a debate and you should not expect others to change my (or others ) opinion after a debate .. it's not a competition it's a discussion sometimes educational , sometimes fun but there is no win or lose just two different point of views.. people debate and continue their own way unless there is a wager involved based on an outcome
3- there was no insult in my post there or now , branding a question silly is stating a statues of question i never said birdy is silly , i don't have any special treatment from the admins or anyone else , i was warned 2 days ago by Lindsay .. insults are something else completely and it's not you who decide what should be taken care of too long
4- Success is a matter of interpretation ,tactics are not our 4-2-3-1 or 4-3-3 or pressure , highline /attacking approach is not a subject to debate it's a matter of fact
no one said don't express your opinion but no one is forcing me or others to reply to you , agree with the rest of the post however don't be sad if your previous arguments over here didn't make me interested in replying cause it will be one of those completely opposite of everyone's opinion.. i don't subscribe to debating with those who say anything to just to be different , it's a waste of time (age & experience play a role in that opinion )
5- I don't know ? you birdy ? you would probably say Real played the exact same way like last year

, again "PROVEN ME WRONG" ... Put yourself in my shoes would u debate with someone who take a debate as "PROVEN ME WRONG " and "WIN OR LOSE" ...debates are not a competition it's a demonstration of two points of view.. there is no right or wrong unless you are arguing history like you tried before when you said Billardo didn't play 3-5-2 in WC 86... duh