1- sorry that's me , your posts reflects on you .. some people get along some people don't get along that's how life is we can't change that.. just because your previous replies don't (IMO ) make it worthy for a reply from my side doesn't mean i do that with others .. just some selected members
2- I don't expect you to like me nor i long for that , however you asked me personally and i have the right to reply or not to reply i didn't seek for it..and there is no loser or winner in a debate , a debate represent two sides of an argument , i don't expect to change your opinion after a debate and you should not expect others to change my (or others ) opinion after a debate .. it's not a competition it's a discussion sometimes educational , sometimes fun but there is no win or lose just two different point of views.. people debate and continue their own way unless there is a wager involved based on an outcome
3- there was no insult in my post there or now , branding a question silly is stating a statues of question i never said birdy is silly , i don't have any special treatment from the admins or anyone else , i was warned 2 days ago by Lindsay .. insults are something else completely and it's not you who decide what should be taken care of too long
4- Success is a matter of interpretation ,tactics are not our 4-2-3-1 or 4-3-3 or pressure , highline /attacking approach is not a subject to debate it's a matter of fact
no one said don't express your opinion but no one is forcing me or others to reply to you , agree with the rest of the post however don't be sad if your previous arguments over here didn't make me interested in replying cause it will be one of those completely opposite of everyone's opinion.. i don't subscribe to debating with those who say anything to just to be different , it's a waste of time (age & experience play a role in that opinion )
5- I don't know ? you birdy ? you would probably say Real played the exact same way like last year

, again "PROVEN ME WRONG" ... Put yourself in my shoes would u debate with someone who take a debate as "PROVEN ME WRONG " and "WIN OR LOSE" ...debates are not a competition it's a demonstration of two points of view.. there is no right or wrong unless you are arguing history like you tried before when you said Billardo didn't play 3-5-2 in WC 86... duh