Penal Madrid


If we sell pedro now this window we are pretty much balanced and can go all out on next season window. Have patience guys. People are forgetting arda can be quality player for at least 3 seasons. We have enough time to sign more players in midfield. In attack no need. Only in defense we need and we need to sort it out next window without fault.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Well, I guess our sporting director and our scouts are actively working, so they have to know at least a few things better than us.

I hope we can start getting some help starting with the January transfer window to build up at least depth and think long term as well.


The Observer
You guys played well in the few games that Ronaldo did not play and there were plenty of goals. As decisive as Ronaldo has been, I actually think not always having to look to feed him the ball will unleash the scoring potentials of several players of yours.

Agreed on the rest of what you said. That said, the depth alone provided by these young players is scary. And I take you will have an easier transition when the old guards are starting to phase out.
For sure.. we will have a much smoother transition and longer time on the pitch.. signing like Kova with Modric around is for 2017 onwards more than urgent need now although we fell like broken glass after Modric was injured last year

We played well but we still need either for Bake to stand out or Benzema be more selfish .. we need to minimize Ronaldo goals & maximize the rest.. we'll see ... tonight is the final pre-season vs Galatasary


As much as you guys want to criticize our signings last season they got us the treble. Most of the signings played a crucial part, even mathieu. I am not that worried tbh but that does not mean i prefer losing all midfield talents to madrid. But i am confident we will manage. We should stop looking for direct replacements and look for talented players and build a strong team with them.


Senior Member
I like that we sign young players, but the problem with young players, they are usually not very consistent. Expect a few of our youngsters to not perform all that well the first year.


New member
I like that we sign young players, but the problem with young players, they are usually not very consistent. Expect a few of our youngsters to not perform all that well the first year.

The big question is: can Madrid supporters be patient enough to let all these youngsters develop?

Apart from this, very interesting strategy from Madrid board.


New member
For sure.. we will have a much smoother transition and longer time on the pitch.. signing like Kova with Modric around is for 2017 onwards more than urgent need now although we fell like broken glass after Modric was injured last year

We played well but we still need either for Bake to stand out or Benzema be more selfish .. we need to minimize Ronaldo goals & maximize the rest.. we'll see ... tonight is the final pre-season vs Galatasary

I don't know as much as Madrid fans or even as much as most barca fans about Real's policy regarding giving youngsters a chance..... But what I have seen from Madrid since I've been a football fan (since 2006) is that they aren't patient enough to give the young players a true chance. Maybe their policy is shifting a bit. If Isco continues his upward trajectory then his spot will be solidified as soon as this season as a starter. But then again even he only got a real chance because Madrid had a ton of midfield injuries. 2 of their 3 starting mids missed significant time.

All I'm saying is I don't know if Madrid has ever put trust into young players when there is a proven player already in place. Has there ever been a situation in Madrid like we had here with Busquets and Toure?


The Observer
It's never about giving them a chance.. the issue is the impatient fans huge pressure... it takes such a special character to make it without cracking under pressure...
when a young gun prove himself & withstand the pressure he makes it...
take in recent years.. how people like Pavon, Mejia etc all cracked under pressure and went into the oblivion without no one hearing from them again.. at a certain point when Hierro was here & Pavon the young defender played beside him people said he is the new Nesta (I kid you not ) when the experienced defender & captain left.. Pavon was destroyed completely and was never seen again in anything worth while

On the other hand you have to see examples like Marcelo & Higuain who came here at the age of 18, Ramos at the age of 19 .. Marcelo in particular got so many shit , whistle & boo's for almost 3 years yet he had the personality to prove himself & take the pressure.. now Marcelo is not only the second captain he is one of the most popular players
I'm sure you remember how much shit Ramos got as he was the red card machine.. the one who broke Hierro red card record in like 6-7 years.. look at him now.. mature , our defensive rock and captain ...

last example because it's so fresh is Morata & Jese... the first was branded the next big thing.. he had it all.. the numbers , the height etc and even chances in big games like The Clasico *under Jose in la liga * and even played in the CL final.. yet Morata couldn't take what he did with Castilla & Spain to the first team.. he was totally off-color most of the time .. in contrast to that Jese... Jese was the collateral damage between Mourinho & Toril (Castilla brilliant manager back than ) .. they fought over the newspapers with Jose saying Toril formation doesn't present him with any players due to the difference in formation and some position like Jese's (He mentioned him by name ) will never make it to the first team because he doesn't play with a 9 1/2... if this was any player he would probably pack his bags & leave devastated.. but what happened is he weighted and Carlo gave him a chance as a winger no a 9.5 and he was amazing till that damn injury took him out for 9 month... Morata on the other side.. talented as he is preferred to stay away from the pressure he is doing great with Juve but i doubt he would do so great in teams with such high demands
Carvajal another example
I hope that is clear for you... your case is different due to politics... any Catalan player will be loved immediately because it's a political statement ...look at how many years you kept fringe players like Oleguer.. not because of his talent (which doesn't exist ) but because he is an outspoken Catalan.. we don't have those issues it doesn't matter if a player is very Spanish or anti-Catalan /Basque..etc.. sure an added value with the ultras but the fans don't give a shit there is no political message there


New member
Sure. But I think the underlying message is, as we discussed on the Kovacic thread, we have a different philosophy and priorities these days than Real Madrid. We are trying to capitalize as much as possible of Messi's peak years and patch up a few obvious holes with established players, while Real Madrid has the future and long term in mind.

I dont think it has anything to do with capitalizing on Messi's peak years. We have bought short term solutions for many, many years now. We bought Ibra, Villa, Henry, all 30 year old or close to it. Messi was still in his early 20s back then.


The Observer
As i said on twitter.. this is absolutely awful
We will pay heavily for letting Carlo go & hiring this idiot who's past his sell out date by 10 years ... he still lives in 2004-2005 and haven't gone a day after it
tactics that date back to the 90's-early millennium when the 1-2 and go could get you to the goal couple it with crosses that needs Andy Carol or Llorente not poor old Jese...
i haven't seen our team stopped so damn easily.. we could have played Gijon for 10000 minutes and we still wouldn't score a goal
what's the need of defending with 10 & attacking with 10 against Gijon? what's the purpose of waiting till all of Gijon players are back and rested in their defensive position when your main weapon is fucking SPEED.. we looked like Tito Barcelona .. all passes no grit
Do i need to say Bale is a disaster to the team in this position ... you fucking idiot you ain't an AM you don't have ANY skill to play there .. you can't dribble , can't pass & too obsessed of overtaking Ronaldo
Danilo lacks a lot upfront .. and Isco still frustrate the shit out of me with his showboat when a simple pass would do the team a world of good... he is talented as hell but doesn't yet deserve to start ahead of James
I'll stick to my pre-season prediction.. January is as far as Rafa will go pending a huge miracle ...


New member
As i said on twitter.. this is absolutely awful
We will pay heavily for letting Carlo go & hiring this idiot who's past his sell out date by 10 years ... he still lives in 2004-2005 and haven't gone a day after it
tactics that date back to the 90's-early millennium when the 1-2 and go could get you to the goal couple it with crosses that needs Andy Carol or Llorente not poor old Jese...
i haven't seen our team stopped so damn easily.. we could have played Gijon for 10000 minutes and we still wouldn't score a goal
what's the need of defending with 10 & attacking with 10 against Gijon? what's the purpose of waiting till all of Gijon players are back and rested in their defensive position when your main weapon is fucking SPEED.. we looked like Tito Barcelona .. all passes no grit
Do i need to say Bale is a disaster to the team in this position ... you fucking idiot you ain't an AM you don't have ANY skill to play there .. you can't dribble , can't pass & too obsessed of overtaking Ronaldo
Danilo lacks a lot upfront .. and Isco still frustrate the shit out of me with his showboat when a simple pass would do the team a world of good... he is talented as hell but doesn't yet deserve to start ahead of James
I'll stick to my pre-season prediction.. January is as far as Rafa will go pending a huge miracle ...

You mean the season where we scored 115 league goals? Yeah, that makes perfect sense...


The Observer
You mean the season where we scored 115 league goals? Yeah, that makes perfect sense...

I don't care if Rafa scores 200 goals or Tito team scored 500 goals a season.. the game plan was predictable and very beatable .. pass -pass - pass.. allow the others to take their places and defend with easy...

if you are one of those who worship stats , enjoy them .. i'll stick to what happen on the pitch not what the stats say.... and if you are like that than last night will be just a tough luck because Real shot 27 times.. which is a good stats but i know what i saw


New member
I don't care if Rafa scores 200 goals or Tito team scored 500 goals a season.. the game plan was predictable and very beatable .. pass -pass - pass.. allow the others to take their places and defend with easy...

if you are one of those who worship stats , enjoy them .. i'll stick to what happen on the pitch not what the stats say.... and if you are like that than last night will be just a tough luck because Real shot 27 times.. which is a good stats but i know what i saw

Uh, what?
Our defense was in shambles, but we created and scored loads under Tito. Now, I didn't see your match last night, but as far as I can tell, you had trouble creating real chances. Your comparison makes as much sense as playing Bale as a 10.


The Observer
Yes against the weak sides mostly.. how was your clasico's ? how was your Bayern game ? etc

it's easy to score with Messi against the Elche of la liga... but not enough to make you anything worth while


New member
Oh yeah, I forgot, Gijon is a most formidable side. Right up there with the Bayerns and RMs of this World.
Besides, this trouble creating chances wasn't just relevant last night, but all pre-season.

Not enough to make you any worth while? Yeah, fuck that La Liga title. Scrub league, that one.

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