Samir Nasri


Bomb Dropper
Is it not contradictory?


United don't play the same type of system as us. the 4411 is wholly different. they have a pivot in Carrick and then essentially two interchanging AM's with Giggs and Rooney. and then to that you add a LW who can come infield (Park, Nani, now Young) and mix it up and what you have is a shitstorm of movement in the hole.


New member
There is obviously cases where it doesnt happen, Do you think Leeds wanted to sell Rio to us? or Alan Smith?

Euro2012 is coming, and Nasri might well be France's Captain. Wenger could play hardball and threaten to bench him if he doesn't sign a contract, which would give him so few games that Blanc would never take him to the Euros. The Flamini situation burned Wenger, and he still has problems finding a proper LB after being forced to sell Cole to Chelsea. When push comes to shove, Wenger will come through and Nasri will be shown his place.

At the very least he'll be sold to some club in Italy or Spain.


Improvin' Perfection!!

United don't play the same type of system as us. the 4411 is wholly different. they have a pivot in Carrick and then essentially two interchanging AM's with Giggs and Rooney. and then to that you add a LW who can come infield (Park, Nani, now Young) and mix it up and what you have is a shitstorm of movement in the hole.

okay I get your point now. But then Nasri isn't adept at dictating the play per se, as much as Giggs can. So imagine him in place of Giggs and Young in place of Park from last year's line-up, there is no play-maker at all!! They would just need to depend on the movements in the hole as you say.

That is really dangerous man. Carrick/Fletcher will run the midfield. But the creative flow that is sacrificed so, will be compensated well by Nasri, Young and Rooney

Also with their lineup from last year, I feel Rooney has been good but then they lost out on the goal threat that he normally provides. Instead of dropping deep into the mid field, if he just concentrated on sharing his runs with the wingers, he'd not only be as much effective but also score few more goals.
Anyway if they were to maintain the same gameplan, Modric is the one they are looking for. Like they need to do all they can to sign him


New member
City would pay £25m especially if it meant beating United to him. I think Arsenal would rather sell him to one of the Milan's anyway even if it meant getting a lower fee, Just depends on Nasri.


The Troll Hunter
City would pay £25m especially if it meant beating United to him. I think Arsenal would rather sell him to one of the Milan's anyway even if it meant getting a lower fee, Just depends on Nasri.

How would you feel if he signed for United?


New member
How would you feel if he signed for United?

For £20m you can have him.Nasri has been with us for 3 years but apart from 4mths this year he hasn't done much. He is not creative enough to play in the central role that Cesc fills for us, playing out wide he got 1 assist all season. At the end of 09/10 when Cesc was out injured he got his wish to play in the middle for the last 6 weeks and done nothing. I also think if Wenger has to sell Nasri he will keep Cesc which is fine with me.


Fireman Sam
DuckerTheTimes James Ducker
Nasri is preparing to inform Wenger he wants to leave #AFC in knowledge that #MUFC have made a formal bid of about £20m

James Ducker is a great Journo, never posts bullshit, We're definately in for Nasri, up to him now...:D


Improvin' Perfection!!
rejected a £20m bid!?



New member
DuckerTheTimes James Ducker
Nasri is preparing to inform Wenger he wants to leave #AFC in knowledge that #MUFC have made a formal bid of about £20m

James Ducker is a great Journo, never posts bullshit, We're definately in for Nasri, up to him now...:D

:lol: complete waste of time. Wenger and the board aren't stupid enough to sell to a rival, especially Manchester United.

Would be like Roma selling De Rossi to Milan or Inter, yet still claiming they want to win the league.

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