Samir Nasri


Active member
(video) His 11th goal in all competitions, and it's still November! :2guns:I hope Wenger ties him down to a long contract, because he's becoming top class this season and it's starting to run down.

FUCK this video, every time i click on this thread it starts playing


New member
Nasri has 14 goals in 28 apps to far. Amazing season so far. Shocking to think he probably won't get player of the year (in england) :(


New member
The players are voting now and it's all fixed for media darling Gareth Bale to win it. Which would be very undeserved.


Mike the Knife
Yeah, depends on the severity of the sprain...A blow for the Gunners, obviously

Shame, for me, because he had been having a terrific season thus far...Not a season ending injury but the timing couldn't be worse with the Barca clash just ahead


Mr. Japes
Hamstring's not something to rush a player back from (although this is Arsenal tbf), I'd be surprised if he played in the tie at all.

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