This board needs to change . Is there any way the socios can organize a vote next summer or is it impossible ?
Yes. Someone needs to collect 15% (?) of the socios signatures and then a vote of no confidence can take place.
This board needs to change . Is there any way the socios can organize a vote next summer or is it impossible ?
Yes. Someone needs to collect 15% (?) of the socios signatures and then a vote of no confidence can take place.
Yes. Someone needs to collect 15% (?) of the socios signatures and then a vote of no confidence can take place.
Well, I think that this is possible, knowing that a lot of socios are not in Sandro's side.
Is Laporta the solution to you ? What is your opinion ? (sorry if you talked about it during the last pages, just couldn't read everything)
It's actually funny seeing how much Jamdav strains to turn a blind eye to every possible wrongdoing by the board and is so defensive in making rationalizations or excuses that are rife with naivety and denial.
To paraphrase what has been said from others:
Bartomeu makes two completely unbacked claims that have to do with having 4-5 transfers in the summer and that Abidal will get a new contract upon his return.. "Nope, nothing was done wrong, they did exactly what they should have and were unfortunate to fall victim to a poor transfer prediction"
Rosell makes his grand self-inflating speech and then resigns coincidentally after such heavy investigations.. "Rosell was pressured into resigning, he did nothing wrong and was a great president".
And who can forget how he is completely unwilling to believe anything that isn't in the form of an official statement or quote, (and believes any quote that suits his case even if it is the most blatant politically salvaging message with little truth and enormous amounts of sugarcoating). Here's how it works in the world of Jamdav: Apparently Pep had no dispute with Rosell because he didn't say directly to the media that there was one, yet obviously it's impossible to say that you can see their conflict through the huge media strife between the two parties. Rosell didn't do anything shady concerning the Neymar transfer despite revealed documents stating otherwise..Why? Because he didn't make an outright official statement saying "Yes I committed fraud".
It goes on and on with that type of logic that is built around only trusting what is stated outright. Call it "fact" if that's the only way your mentality can be justified, but in reality a lot of it is face-saving, surface level, and non-indicative BS. It's hilarious how you can't use sense or intuition to see that there's more than what's just said in press conference quotes and that there IS a gray area in terms of internal affairs. There's no coincidence about the negative outcomes as a result of the board and it can't all be written off as "shit happens" or "not their fault". It's as predictable as ever how you function when claiming "there's no proof to backup these accusations". So go on believing that Rosell was a completely honest man and that his political statements are undeniable fact.
I've never seen anyone play the devil's advocate better than Jamdav![]()
They were correct not to give Abidal a contract and he doesn't feel hard done by at all by the club and they treated him very well.
As for predictions on signings - whats the big deal there?
I have not once said that 'Rosell was pressured into resigning or even once said he has been a great president' Try and keep up.
There is no evidence at all that Pep left due to a dispute with Rosell he said the exact opposite and left at a time which was true to the words he was saying before Rosell even got elected.
I have never once said Rosell has done nothing wrong on the Neymar transfer. I have been asking those who are claiming he has committed a crime to tell us what they know and wait to see what he is even being accused of before deciding he is guilty. Also have said that if he has done anything wrong on this issue he is correct to go.
That is one terrible post from you to be fair. Try and read up before spouting off.
Why do you think there is such support for Laporta though?
If there was would there not have been a Laporta man put in to oppose Rosell at the last elections?
Abidal is a mixed issue which will get people on each side, I personally feel he could of stayed but whatever.
Predications on signings? not sure what you are talking about here but we all know the history of this club and how signings have been promised or how we need that CB and never got it.
Open your eyes with Pep. there is so much in the media about him and the issues with Rosell, just do some searching
Nobody knows about Neymar and what he has done even if not guilty has already harmed the clubs image and could harm the club finanialy even more (STRONGLY doubt any implactions such as CL ban or point deduction would ever happen)
You need to open your mind
Did you genuinely miss the "just to name one" part again? I was simply giving Laporta as an example. It can be Cruijff, Carmen de Mairena or my dog's left testicle. The point I was trying to make is that I personally believe that before people will start to believe in an early vote a proper candidate will have to come forward. Get it?
Well, I think that this is possible, knowing that a lot of socios are not in Sandro's side.
Is Laporta the solution to you ? What is your opinion ? (sorry if you talked about it during the last pages, just couldn't read everything)