Sandro Rosell


New member
I'm-- I'm getting a bit scared now. He seemed to me really out of touch.

Sandro, if we lose the League title because you refuse to put an interim in charge for whatever unexplained reason, maybe not in your rich neighbourhood, but anywhere else in Barcelona you'll be the most despised man on earth.


New member
Rosell:"The Board of Directors will stand behind Vilanova for as long as it takes. He will be our manager as long as I'm president"

Rosell (president): "Nothing will change until Tito returns, even if that would cost us all trophies."

Those 2 phrases :rolleyes:
Just leave Rosell...


New member
Rosell's these touching lines ..:worthy:

He thinks all these words would make him a bigger person . well done .


New member
Is Rossel actually slowly letting the Boixos Nois back into the Camp Nou? What is the story there?

The storx begins in May 2010, when Rosell signed an agreement with groups of animation, an agreement that he denied at the time. Since then Rosell tried to organize Grada Jove, but because many of those who would have been part of this Grada were delinquents, the police didn't approve it. So Rosell started to bring them back since the beginning of the year(, thinking that we won't hear them when they sang against Laporta or 'Cristiano muerete' or when they started to threat those who didn't stayed until the end of a match. After what happend in El clasico, some journalist from El Pais, El Periodico, Catalunya Radio started to make noise( to the complete surprise of Rosell who learned that there are newspapers that don't belong to him or to his friend Florentino).
Then Rosell denied everything again, but the Boixos gave a statement from which I understood that they were threatening Rosell. At that point(Monday) our president made a press conference and we found out that the club
sold tickets with 10€ to delinquents that threatened Laporta's life and says that he did it because Camp Nou isn't vocal enough and that he knows some of those 'nois' who are actually good guys.
Rosell also said that in life we have to know when to forgive..though it's a pitty that he doesn't know how to forgive the best president that our club has had, but he can forgive these good guys:
It's also a pitty that instead of making journalism and writting about this, Mundo Sandritivo and Sport are busy with atacking Mou, Laporta, Valdes or the mercenaries Pep, Txiki and Soriano.
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During the presidenctial campaign of 2010, in a TV debate, Benedito asked Rosell if that meetings with animation groups including representatives of Boixos Nois were true. Rosell denied it. Now the evidences prove he lied.

The video:


Staff member
From a sporting perspective, and from what we know, he gave full support to pep and signed the players he wanted. So I don't know about "destroying the empire". Pep had a rolling contract even under Laporta and always said he wouldn't be staying for long.

Hard to keep players hungry after all the success and some of them lost motivation. Also, few got older a year or two and lost some strength and pace.

Good news: We looked good while Tito was here and had a grip on the team so I reckon we oughta have patience and faith.


New member
Let's face the truth, The main reason he's hated by many is, Because he just doesn't look right to them, They look at him, And say "You know i don't like this guy, He just doesn't look nice, I just don't like him, i don't know."
It's really nothing more deep than this, And you may ask what's the motive behind such an 'illogical' hate?, I don't really know, Why some people rate a movie in IMDB a 1 without even seeing it in the first place, Some human behaviors have no explanation.


New member
From a sporting perspective, and from what we know, he gave full support to pep and signed the players he wanted. So I don't know about "destroying the empire". Pep had a rolling contract even under Laporta and always said he wouldn't be staying for long.

Hard to keep players hungry after all the success and some of them lost motivation. Also, few got older a year or two and lost some strength and pace.

Good news: We looked good while Tito was here and had a grip on the team so I reckon we oughta have patience and faith.

Pep is not coaching us anymore coz he got tired, he had Mourinho and his crew on his back talking garbage all season long plus the refering situation was bizarre in liga last season. Guardiola was the only one facing all pressure from all of this and the madrid press. Laporta was outspoken and of great help on this regard, while Rosell did nothing to be on Pep's back. Words mean nothing, action is what is required and Laporta was miles ahead.
We started conceding goals and goals since Tito took charge, he prefers Alexis over Tello and Villa, puts Cesc in the middle Iniesta as a winger...We lost Supercopa and already got schooled by them in Camp Nou. Not trying to take anything away from him. His numbers in Liga could become a record, so he was doing fine and perhaps he could have become an awesome manager. Unfortunately now he is a liability because we might find ourselves in the exact same situation(being coached by his assitant in the crucial poart of the season). Besides we know how consuming this job is, Tito needs to focus on his recovery, his mind wont be 100% on Barca
So keeping him as a coach is a big mistake from Rosell in my opinion, and now you have to add the situation with Boixos Nois, Rosell talks a lot about saving money but pays enormous amounts of money for all signings.
So in one phrase: I can see him failing in pretty much all aspects.


New member
Let's face the truth, The main reason he's hated by many is, Because he just doesn't look right to them, They look at him, And say "You know i don't like this guy, He just doesn't look nice, I just don't like him, i don't know."
It's really nothing more deep than this, And you may ask what's the motive behind such an 'illogical' hate?, I don't really know, Why some people rate a movie in IMDB a 1 without even seeing it in the first place, Some human behaviors have no explanation.

Perhaps you are one of those people who judge only by appeareance. I have provided my reasons
Have no idea why you would bring that up


Staff member
You did mention something I didn't like either. Rosell certainly took his time before standing up for the team last season when Mou's antics got way out of hand.
Then again, Perez kept his mouth shut as well.


New member
Perez was all the time reafirming Mou's words in front of the press, he was calling Mou best coach ever and telling everyone he was not leaving when all rumours said otherwise. Perez is not outspoken but too surpassed Rosell in that regard

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