Sergi Roberto


President of FC Barcelona
Robert is scouting some RBs in France apparently, as Roberto's back-up.

Palencia might be an option though, if Vidal keep playing the same way. Not the most talented player, but with an incredible work ethic that commands respect.


Senior Member
11.4 km tonight .. only he and gomes scored more than 11 .. this guy is a a blessing. hope he hangs on until we get Bellerin because i still think he's too good to be stuck in defense .


Senior Member
If Roberto keeps playing as he is now we won't need Bellerin.

We need a solid backup though, and Robert has been scouting in France for a young RB to pair up with Roberto.
Yep definitely need a backup RB besides Vidal. We can make it till winter.

I sorta get why some people want him back in midfield cause he does provide a lot there. But I think he should stick with RB. He really provides an X factor out there which in my opinion we haven't had since the first few years Alves was here. Dani was still good in his later Barca years but only his link up play with Messi was consistent. Right now Roberto is adding that plus great runs and crosses as well.
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