Sergi Roberto


You're welcome
When he actually tries to dribble he is really good, should try it more.

Somewhere deep down I am convinced Sergi has enough talent. But at this point what's hindering him is his confidence. It affects his number of attempts and sometimes execution.


Senior Member
Somewhere deep down I am convinced Sergi has enough talent. But at this point what's hindering him is his confidence. It affects his number of attempts and sometimes execution.

Well, majority of players in top clubs have talent.
Roberto surely has some talent.

The problem is that with talent you need to have other things, like good physical skills, some IQ to understand when to dribble, when to pass, when to slow down.
And to have some confidence as a person, not only as a footballer.

Then, even though they have talent, some guys are too slow or too weak.
Some guys are too dumb (Adama, Halil).
Some guys don't have required confidence for the highest level of sports/entertainment (Roberto, Samper) etc.

With more playing time and with some good matches, confidence can surely go up and down.
But, for example, in numbers (this is my estimation, not a FACT, lol):
1. imagine a player 1 having natural confidence 80%
-- after a run of good matches, his confidence will jump to 100%
-- after a run of bad matches, his confidence will drop to 60%
2. imagine a player like Roberto, who's (imo) natural confidence is like 30%
-- with a run of good matches, he can jump to even 50-60%
-- but with a run of bad matches, he drops easily to 10%, which is very, very, very poor and low

The same is with IQ.
1. if you are naturally smart like Xavi or Busi, let's say 90%
-- with training and coaches, you will improve even to 100% (or higher) in understanding the game, movement and right decisions
2. if you are dumb like Adama, let's say 20%
-- with good coaches you can improve to let's say some average level, like 40-50%

BUT, Adama, who is naturally dumb, can NEVER reach the levels of Busi and Xavi who are naturally gifted in IQ's area.
Not with even 20 best coaches in the world.
The same is with bravery and confidence.
You can go up and down with some good matches, but Roberto will never turn into an overconfident player like Neymar or Halil, and he will never reach bravery level's of Puyol or Masch.

Those natural/DNA levels of player's skills will limit their career in reaching the highest levels.

All in all:
Somewhere deep down I am convinced Sergi has enough talent. But at this point what's hindering him is his confidence. It affects his number of attempts and sometimes execution.

He surely has enough of talent.
But because of his natural confidence (low level) he will always show only glimpses of his talents here and there, and play safe and sideways in majority of matches.
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Staff member
Well, he is at least good backup for several positions. Unlike Turan or Gomes. And cost us 0.

Patient and humble guy too.


Improved a lot since he's been playing as a midfielder again. His confidence is back.

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