Sergi Roberto

Andrew M

New member
Don't care what message it sends out if it improves chances of winning and frees up likes of Messi.

What is the alternative message? That Barca have no shape or plan and let Marcelo run riot again?

Last time he played RW in Madrid Barca won 4-0 and no one complained.

For now just want to see a structure, a plan and more energy as a starting point. Improve from there and try to get new players in to help.

Messi was on the bench that game. Perhaps we should try that too on Weds?


Senior Member
Farto and his entourage are deliberately destroying this club! If he stays in charge this club won't recover for decades!


New member
We're not playing Iniesta on the wings and we're going for Dembele. Signing Paulinho is a big slap in the face for Roberto.

Signing Paulinho is as good a reason for anyone in the team to leave as it is for Roberto, because he is a shit-level player. You can't predict playing time for him, with a new coach, and a possible new system.


Senior Member

With the arrival of Paulinho, Roberto could be re-thinking of his long term future.


Senior Member
Francois David: Sergi Roberto wants to leave Barça. Relationship between player and management is totally fractured.


Senior Member
Iniesta will play, yes, but not all games.
Rakitic/Paulinho/Gomes is not guarenteed any minutes at all. For all we know they could be thought of as subs. That is just as big a possibility as Roberto as sub.
What if we start playing with Robert-Busi as double pivot with Coutinho/Messi/Iniesta in front of them and Suarez on top? Then he has full playing time. No-one knows anything about this yet, and therefore it is extremely unlikely that he would give up now, just when he broke through in his adored childhood-club.

Let's remove emotions for a second and just use a cold logic and nothing else.

When we had Lucho:
1. Iniesta, Rakitic, Gomes were infront of Roberto as Cms
2. now we have Valverde, in 4 matches till now: Iniesta, Rakitic are infront of Roberto
We don't know where is Gomes in Valverde's pecking order, but since we didn't want to sell him, I guess that he is still infront of Roberto or they are tied at the 3rd place
3. now we bought Paulinho for 40M. Imo, there is no chance that we bought him to have him as a 5th option.
Paulinho will be a starter right away, or in the worst case scenario, 3rd pick behind Iniesta and Rakitic.

So, my estimation, currently:
1-3: Iniesta, Paulinho, Rakitic
4: Gomes
5: Roberto
I didn't even add Rafinha and Denis here. Not to mention Arda, Alena, Samper.

Imo, absolutely nothing from Lucho, Valverde and director Robert indicates that Roberto is high in a pecking order.
Roberto is high in a pecking order only on Barca's forum.

I am not saying that Barcaforum is wrong, since Iniesta, Raki, Gomes and Paulinho are poor to average.
But still, hints from our coaches and directors indicate that Roberto is way less popular among them than among our fans.


Senior Member
I can't believe this, but our team is really going down the drain. I can't believe the people of Catalunya and the socios can sit around and let this happen. Seems like the foreign fans see the writing on the wall more clearly than the Catalans.

If Sergi leaves, that will be massive and a huge dent to our team's future.

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