He has started only once as a CM this season. Once. 5 appearances as a RB - not at all a change from the last season. His talent is wasted. Whenever he played as a CM/CDM he has mostly performed well since 14/15.
He's been playing good as RB too so far this season so I don't think his talent is wasted there.
It’s really not all that different to a 4-3-3. Dynamics are the same. It still requires 2 wingers for it to be effective and that Roberto is not. Against Betis he played in the central role. With Alcácer and Deulofeu taking on the wide roles.I'm thinking the only way Roberto and Denis can play together is in a 4-2-3-1. We should try this formation again, it worked well when we played Real Betis
I think it is. he is a very good passer of the ball and he should be able to use that skill in midfield not on overlapping runs.
Roberto is the only play-making FB we have in the team, Alba is good offensively but not in the play-making, surely Digne isn't and Semedo seem too defensive atm and even in attacking he doesn't show much of play-making. That is why Roberto will be needed a lot as a RB
I've noticed this too. Semedo has been very circumspect. Maybe Valverde's tactics or just no confidence...