Sergi Roberto


Active member
This guy defended the entire field, the whole game. It was like he was given the type of defensive free role that Messi gets on offense, except Roberto can run hard forever.

You can see why his last two coaches have given him so many starts, at so many positions. Some of Barca's permanent starters do not contribute to the defense as much as is needed in the modern game. Roberto makes up for a lot of that, all by himself. On loose balls, 50-50 balls, he has to be the best on this team.
Should be a starter in midfield.

Iniesta/Denis - Busi - Roberto would be a decent enough midfield to carry us through the season.

Valverde, whatever you do, for the love of god, don't start Rakitic.


Senior Member
Hes been bad or very bad in pretty much all the games hes played in midfield.
He plays best in in RB when he gets alot of freedom.


Senior Member
I think his crossing is underrated. I remember him setting up Suárez a couple of times before

He at least finds a target.


Senior Member

One of the guys said to speak in a language people can understand him in.

Roberto replied "He will speak the language he can speak" aka get fucked I can speak any language I want.


Active member
As a starter in midfield, the fact is he has not set the world on fire. Some fine games, many just OK. Coming in off the bench to win the game is nothing to sneeze at, let's be grateful.


As a starter in midfield, the fact is he has not set the world on fire. Some fine games, many just OK. Coming in off the bench to win the game is nothing to sneeze at, let's be grateful.

Please tell me more about how Rakitic and Gomes have set the world on fire from midfield? Roberto deserves a chance.

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