Sergiño Dest


Curious member
Yeah Alves crossing this and that.
Just because Dest managed some good crosses lately it doesn't make him immune to criticism.

Maybe I'm playing the devil?s advocate here. But I want Dest to be a difference maker against the best teams before I start hyping him to be our RB for the next 10 years.
The Adama Traore style of verticality without thought doesn't make you the best. Is Dest better than that? We shall see. I hope he succeeds.
Come back at 2024.


New member
For now he’s better than Roberto and Semedo. It’s more important that he keeps his starting spot this season than wondering if he’s going to be our RB for the next 10 years. Good signs though.


Senior Member
Staff member
For now he’s better than Roberto and Semedo. It’s more important that he keeps his starting spot this season than wondering if he’s going to be our RB for the next 10 years. Good signs though.

Yes. He's a great option to have.

I've seen Dest getting mentioned as a player to build around in the same way as Ansu and Pedri but for me Dest hasn't shown that kind of potential.

He might well be a Maxwell, Sylvinho or Adriano. A very solid backup and sometimes even better than his starter when in form, but unfortunately lack that last thing to fully become one of the best in his position.
But for that to happen, we need to have someone better than him, which we of course don't. So he'll be the starter for now which gives him time to grow.


Dest will surpass Alves because I said so. :crbust:

Joking aside, it's kinda funny reading MLS/Ussoccer posts and seeing guys wanting to move Dest up to RW/LB so they can play the likes of Bryan Reynolds and Reggie Cannon at RB in the national team and I'm thinking why the hell would you move our best RB by far out of position to play Cannon and Reynolds who aren't as good and Talented as Dest is and both playing far weaker leagues than Dest does.

It's like wanting to play a prime Alves out of position so you can play an unproven Martin Montoya. You don't play one of your best players out of position full time so you can play a guy that may or may not be good enough. All three of them have potential but Reggie Cannon is 22, while Dest and Reynolds are 20 and 19. One plays in Portugal, one in MLS and one in La Liga.

USA literally has better fullbacks than Barca right now


Yeah Alves crossing this and that.
Just because Dest managed some good crosses lately it doesn't make him immune to criticism.

Maybe I'm playing the devil?s advocate here. But I want Dest to be a difference maker against the best teams before I start hyping him to be our RB for the next 10 years.
The Adama Traore style of verticality without thought doesn't make you the best. Is Dest better than that? We shall see. I hope he succeeds.

"Managed some good crosses lately" ? It's not lately, Dest has been delivering good crosses pretty frequently. The game away vs Dynamo in CL, he could've ended that game with 4 assists if his teammates didn't miss clear chances from his crosses. The guy has been delivering in that aspect from the beginning, and here you come to criticize him for his crossing, then you write this:

Just because Dest managed some good crosses lately it doesn't make him immune to criticism.

Seems to me that you have 2 problems: one with logic, and the other one with your eyes because I don't know what you've been watching this whole time to make such statements.

I remember watching Dest delivering good crosses constantly and thinking "it's such a breath of fresh air to finally have someone who can cross in that team". Currently he's the best at crossing at Barca right now.

I saw you talking about Alba as an exemple lol, really ? Alba is like the worst crosser I've ever seen. That dude is constantly giving the ball away to the opponent when he crosses. Alba is ass, he's only good at giving the ball back to Messi, that ain't no cross. And that despite the fact that he often makes perfect runs that give him plenty of time to deliver a good cross.


Senior Member
USA literally has better fullbacks than Barca right now
Nah I wouldn't go that far.

We are building a pretty solid group of RB's at least. Can't say for certain about our LB spot in the national team. Antonee Robinson is the only starting-worthy LB we have at least for the moment and he plays for Fulham. But he's been pretty solid though and has been getting praised for his performances for Fulham, if he keeps it up he could end up playing for a good mid-table EPL team soon.


Senior Member
Gladbach bought Joe Scally, another young RB prospect from NYCFC.

Kinda random but apparently he's rated well enough by Gladbach that despite only playing like 68 Minutes in MLS in his career that he will be thrown into first-team dynamics once he goes there in January.


Senior Member
One final thought about Dest passing, he plays with his head up.
This is one of the most underrated qualities of players in general.
Semedo for example is the polar opposite of it and he looks more to the ball than scanning the pitch, and it is one of the reasons why he is clueless in both ends despite his huge raw talent (even comparing to Dest).
That is why I think Dest has big chance to improve, because players who have that will have it easier to have a linear progress in their development. It removes a huge fundemental obstacle from their game.

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