Sergiño Dest


Senior Member
He seems to have lost a bit of his courage. Must be more assertive which he has proven to be able to. Passes the ball back and square too much, when should take on his man or cross. Roberto will not cure this issue as he is a master of later.


Well-known member
He seems to have lost a bit of his courage. Must be more assertivem which he has proven to be able to. Passes the ball pack and square too much, when should take on his man or cross. Roberto will not cure this issue as he is a master of later.

I don't understand that. It is like hewas ordered to do it or what?


Senior Member
Lol, no RB in the world beats his man regularly. Not even wingers do that. Seriously guys, tone down your expectations. Shit is bad if you depend on your RB taking players on for fun to create chances.

He had a bad game because he made many easy errors.


New member
Can't stand his face. He looks like he's so arrogant for all the wrong reasons.

Don't care though as long as he delivers us good performances.


Senior Member
Not a great game vs Eibar but it's expected that he will have his share of bad games as the guy is 20 years old, there will be some growing pains.

Probably doesn't help he's been playing nonstop with not much rest since Bob got injured.


Active member
Awfull game.... I really had some hope after seeing some good stuff from him but i am not sure anymore after this game. Lets hope it was just a bad day. He is still young.

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