Sergiño Dest


Senior Member
Is this Fachettis son?
I suspect you didn't watch him, or maybe you are 78 years old like that other user... Anyhow, you not being able to remember his name doesn't speak for your ability to rate him over Alba.
I'd take Alba over this overrated cash-grabbing englishman...
Ok, I like him, matter of taste I guess. Defensively pretty poor, like Alba, but an offensive threat and a good player.
Roberto Carlos
He is very overrated, but fine - his case is about the same as Albas - a positionally suspect LB playing more as a winger. He was fast like Alba and instead of perfectly timed runs and ability to combine, he had his powerful shot which was the main reason that so many overrate him now...
Yeah if you play him out of position on the left, as he did sometimes, I could maybe rate him over Alba.
Ruud Krol
Before my time unfortunately
As with Lahm, played mostly on the right
Another natural RB, who played decently for Juventus and was one of the worst full backs I've seen in Barcelona...

All in all, you came up with 8 names
3 were natural RBs (I didn't consider them)
2 were before my time and probably before yours as well.
2 were already mentioned...
And then there was Ashley Cole, whom I dislike but well, well...

Remember, I never claimed Alba was the best ever - I said that he maybe was. He is one of the names that should be in contention for that.


Senior Member
Ashley Cole was far better left back than Alba. It is not even close.

Alba is a poor defender and is more or less one trick pony in final third with late run and cut back.

Will never be considered one of all time best left backs by anyone with a clue.


Senior Member
I legit couldn't believe he went in that fucking outfit and Messi's farewell conference. Does this guy have any social awareness at all ?


Senior Member
Is this Fachettis son?
I suspect you didn't watch him, or maybe you are 78 years old like that other user... Anyhow, you not being able to remember his name doesn't speak for your ability to rate him over Alba.

I'd take Alba over this overrated cash-grabbing englishman...

Ok, I like him, matter of taste I guess. Defensively pretty poor, like Alba, but an offensive threat and a good player.

He is very overrated, but fine - his case is about the same as Albas - a positionally suspect LB playing more as a winger. He was fast like Alba and instead of perfectly timed runs and ability to combine, he had his powerful shot which was the main reason that so many overrate him now...

Yeah if you play him out of position on the left, as he did sometimes, I could maybe rate him over Alba.

Before my time unfortunately

As with Lahm, played mostly on the right

Another natural RB, who played decently for Juventus and was one of the worst full backs I've seen in Barcelona...

All in all, you came up with 8 names
3 were natural RBs (I didn't consider them)
2 were before my time and probably before yours as well.
2 were already mentioned...
And then there was Ashley Cole, whom I dislike but well, well...

Remember, I never claimed Alba was the best ever - I said that he maybe was. He is one of the names that should be in contention for that.
[MENTION=28187]Fati_Future_BallonDor[/MENTION] help us out here as you probably seen them in their prime years :koeman:

El Gato

...but Jordi Alba is the best LB the club ever had, and maybe the best the sport ever had...
Dest is mediocre, and very expectedly, it's already tough to find many positive comments about him even after just one (1) year at the club, while he is still only 21 or something... Imagine the comments when he is 25 and didn't improve much!

Fuck sake I just saw [MENTION=18675]messi2140[/MENTION] sig

Oh my days

Is this @dalitis reborn


Senior Member
Fuck sake I just saw [MENTION=18675]messi2140[/MENTION] sig

Oh my days

Is this @dalitis reborn

I'm sure you prefer Marcelo, Carlos or even Fachettini
I could say that these brazilians were better, but I also say that Alba is in contention with a completely straight face.
dalitis is a new name, I think I heard users speculate about 50 names since I joined this forum for the first time about half a year ago. Maybe it's not me but you!?


Senior Member
Marcelo>>>Alba. No contest for me (and I rate Alba a lot). One of the few transformative players at fullback I have seen (probably only him and Alves). The whole play revolved around him at his best.


Senior Member
Marcelo>>>Alba. No contest for me (and I rate Alba a lot). One of the few transformative players at fullback I have seen (probably only him and Alves). The whole play revolved around him at his best.

Yeye, I am probably with you, I always rated Marcelo. I noticed him being ridiculed A LOT though, both in his early and late years, don't know how many seasons he was even regarded as 'good'. His weaknesses are even more obvious than Alba's, and his strengths are a bit different too, meaning it's also a bit of a question of what style you prefer.

To remind everyone: I said "maybe" with regards to Alba. I get that some rate Gio over him, but so far I am not being convinced to change my mind.


Senior Member
Alba has, or had, amazing pace and endurance. He times his runs amazingly, especially when the ball was served by Messi. His cutbacks are a little suspect most of the times. Defensively if he can't use his speed to sweep long balls he is not good on an organized defense. His mentality is that of a 10 year old child being bullied in school. That's my evaluation of him.

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