Sergio Busquets


Well-known member
You people do not appreciate or even deserve players like Busquets

I cannot think of any other set of fans who turn so easily on their legendary players .. in Busquets case the majority completely ignore everything good that he does ( due to a simple lack of understanding) but you must sit there wishing him to fail .. totally bizarre
I find it completely baffling


Senior Member
You people do not appreciate or even deserve players like Busquets

I cannot think of any other set of fans who turn so easily on their legendary players .. in Busquets case the majority completely ignore everything good that he does ( due to a simple lack of understanding) but you must sit there wishing him to fail .. totally bizarre
I find it completely baffling

Everyone gets old. It was embarrassing watching bloated middleweight James Toney toy around with Evander Holyfield.

But everyone gets old.


Well-known member
Everyone gets old. It was embarrassing watching bloated middleweight James Toney toy around with Evander Holyfield.

But everyone gets old.

I agree .. he is getting caught on the ball every so often BUT we do not have anyone who can play his position ..even Romeu from Southampton would have been better than all our current options .

As things stand his positives far outweigh his negatives to the team


Senior Member
Absolute liability as always and is lucky likes of FDJ now are covering for his mistakes and not costing team points after it probably cost Barca last 16 in CL.

Cant move to get on ball in DM area, is too slow to move it and teams target him on ball time and again.. just as Osasuna did yesterday.

Off ball.. his positioning as ever is woeful.

FDJ is levels above Busi as a DM even if wastes a lot of what he is good at.

Sensational how folk claim it is 'ignored what he is good at' when in reality he is a poor on ball these days and a liability and its getting worse and worse.

As always say... there is absolutely no level that Busi can be bad enough that some will admit he is done and far better options in squad as it is.

Same folk who praise him as great in games he doesnt even play in.. that is the level of the Busi delusion.
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Senior Member
He doesn't bring anything positive to the team at all anymore.

He moves in slow-motion.

He can't defend which is a main job description for a DEFENSIVE midfielder. Although not ideal in modern day football when you should defend as a team with all 11 players if you want to succed at the top level I understand the rest of the team running or defending for an aging Messi who was still carrying this team offensively but we can't ruin younger players legs just to protect that dinosaur in the midfield.

He gives away balls for free whenever put under any kind of pressure. Don't need to play vs Bayern, even Osasuna can do that these days.

He slows down the game looking for a foul and go on the ground instead of trying to play it fast.

His supposed fast passing is just a myth these days (Probably has been since Xavi and Iniesta left). He has not declined just physically which is obvious but also his brain don't work as fast as they used to (or his legs can't execute what his brain want which is more likely but results are the same regardless). He needs more time to pick out the pass which often leads to losing possesion.

Yesterday in 2nd half the game basically went around him with FDJ and Pedri taking things into their hands/legs and we've played faster when not every attack has gone through his old legs. He wasn't involved much in the build up (except when passing to Osasuna players in 1st half) and can't defend, so why play him? Being a man down as well so basically remaining 8 outfield players had to run for 10.

You can blame coaches/systems but we've had several of them who tried different things in recent years and he was exposed under everyone. Now Xavi is supposed to build the system around him (which is obviously stupid) and he's still the biggest liability in the team. Even a 19 year old kid playing outside of position is making our second big problematic position (RB) not looking as vulnerable anymore in recent games.

Yes, he can sometimes still make a good pass that his stans will jerk off forever but FDJ has proven yesterday that if given a role of a ball playing CB/deep lying playmaker he can do it as well. He was just never asked to do it much during his time here.

So what positives that far outweigh his negatives exactly Busi brings to the team that his critics don't understand/see?


Senior Member
The thing about Busquets is he is not even technically very good any more, he constantly loses balls under pressure and misplaces simple passes.

He has completely regressed as a player, not just physically, and it is partly that he is not surrounded by the best midfielders of all time as he was in his 'prime'.

Not only is he physically not there he's just not very good anymore in any aspects of the game.


Senior Member
You people do not appreciate or even deserve players like Busquets

I cannot think of any other set of fans who turn so easily on their legendary players .. in Busquets case the majority completely ignore everything good that he does ( due to a simple lack of understanding) but you must sit there wishing him to fail .. totally bizarre
I find it completely baffling

Nobody wants him to fail. This thread is full of hate because he makes us fail in important games time after time.


Senior Member
Nobody wants him to fail. This thread is full of hate because he makes us fail in important games time after time.

This. And yet, noone out of the coaching staff recognises that. We need a fast DM for European cup games, yet it seems to me like people are waiting 5 years now for Busi to step up in the next one. Which is insanity.


Well-known member
It is actually hilarious to see a bunch of keyboard warriors who have probably never kicked a ball , who are delusional enough to believe that they know more then the legendary players who now manage Barca and Spain


Senior Member
It is actually hilarious to see a bunch of keyboard warriors who have probably never kicked a ball , who are delusional enough to believe that they know more then the legendary players who now manage Barca and Spain

Busquets knows himself better than anyone else could. And guess where he wanted to go at the end of last season, and wants to go at the end of this one?

To the MLS. The ironic thing is he knows he is finished himself, whilst you clearly don't and think he is still playing at a top level.

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