Sergio Busquets


New member
Stop being an ass with lips! We sold Yaya he did not leave on his own! Plus Busquets is our weakest point, madrid knows it. Thats why they put Pepe in the midfield. We should buy Cheik Tioté Or Nigel de jong to replace this pussy busquets! He is only here because of who his father is. He makes Barcelona look like real madrid (cheats).
That is some serious bullshit, my friend.


:worthy: You shud be given mod.
LOL! On the contrary, i think you should.

That is some serious bullshit, my friend.

Those players are 150 times more accomplished DM than he will ever become! And yes I think he is only here bcos of who his father is. High error rate, virtually does nothing, physically weak, technically ( I would say he is average), doesn't help push the attack,tall but never contests aerial balls ,gives the team a BAD name (dives way too much!), the list is unending. This guy is just bad news! I dont think, I will ever like him, I am sorry.


"Virtually does nothing"
Physically weak? There is no need for him to use his physique giving the fact that he's an excellent tackler. The only players that need physique are players not good with tackling. Doesn't help push the attack? Busquets is the reason why Xavi & Iniesta have so much space. He's bloody awesome.

Go back to the hole you came from before joining this forum.


"Virtually does nothing"
Physically weak? There is no need for him to use his physique giving the fact that he's an excellent tackler. The only players that need physique are players not good with tackling. Doesn't help push the attack? Busquets is the reason why Xavi & Iniesta have so much space. He's bloody awesome.

Go back to the hole you came from before joining this forum.

One of the most popular proverbs is this : Silence is the best answer to a FOOL! I am not calling you one, just saying I will keep silent, as long as its you!


M&E, I am going to disagree with you here if for one moment you think Nigel De Jong of all people could do for Barcelona half of what Busquets does.

EDIT: And please, everyone, watch how you refer to other boardmembers. It is not cool to call others fools or idiots.


M&E, I am going to disagree with you here if for one moment you think Nigel De Jong of all people could do for Barcelona half of what Busquets does.

Well Woobie, I guess its my words against your words. And we can argue all day, but I still wouldn't change your views. So lets wait until we play RM again in the CL ( keep and eye on him) and then we can really assess his value to the team.


if sergio is a shit player then pep and del bosque are fucking idiots, am i right? at the age of 22 he has won already almost everything in football and kept clean sheats in WC and CL finals, what else do you want?
pep and del bosque are fucking idiots, am i right?

Nawh you aint.

Some coaches like some players, as Rijkaard did Gudjohnsen and Oleguer and ummm, to be clearer, some players have kind of a special place for some coaches.

I'm a Sergio fan though but this is to those people who are like "why Pep always lets Bussi play?"

If Busquets is always allowed to play for Barca, it doesn't mean that he certainly is a great player IMO well, he might be, but it's not a certain thing. Both DEL BOSQUE and PEP let Busquets usually play for 'em but that's not a good evidence to say Sergio "IS" a good player.

Anyways that's my opinion though and you guys might disagree...


Nawh you aint.

Some coaches like some players, as Rijkaard did Gudjohnsen and Oleguer and ummm, to be clearer, some players have kind of a special place for some coaches.

I'm a Sergio fan though but this is to those people who are like "why Pep always lets Bussi play?"

If Busquets is always allowed to play for Barca, it doesn't mean that he certainly is a great player IMO well, he might be, but it's not a certain thing. Both DEL BOSQUE and PEP let Busquets usually play for 'em but that's not a good evidence to say Sergio "IS" a good player.

Anyways that's my opinion though and you guys might disagree...

Thank you very much, points well noted! I was just about to mention Rijkaard, Gudjohnsen, Oleguer. What ever happened to Oleguer btw?


Busquets was playing CB for most of the game last night, what a shit example. He's 100x more accomplished player than the likes of De Jong, he doesn't need physique because he positions himself well and times his tackles. You'd struggled to find another defensive player of his kind with anything his level of passing and ball retention.


but both pep and del bosque played the same position. it's really something special if they trust to play that young player in that position which usually requiers a experience player, such as yaya or senna. it does'nt actually matter wheter he is a good player or not. whats matter is that he is perefect for the system and the football that barcelona and spain plays. he makes it look simple, that simple that i always wonder: 'man, even i could play that position in barcelona, sign me up' that is the FIRST sign for me of a fantastic player, makes the game look so simple and easy


New member
De Jong instead of Busquets? So going from an awesome player who just happens to dive often as well, to one of the dirtiest players in the game is somehow okay? I don't see how that makes sense.

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