Sergio Busquets


Charlie Sheen's Protégé
yeah, you're an idealist.

I'm like that, I'm an INTENSE idealist.

but I also have a pragmatic side which just thinks, fuck it.

I love it when we win games without cheating, looove it. and because we have so many honest players that does happen quite a lot. but equally when someone does something dishonest because they want to win, I'm not gonna ream the guy. now fouling is something different because then you're physically endangering people and I can't be havin' that. but diving and time-wasting? not a fan, not a fan at all, but then I don't like guns and violence either, but you can be sure as shit if society breaks down I'm gettin' myself a 12-guage.

see this is where you and I differ. I hate it when our team does something dishonest to win, because it's like we're cheating. It's not like we are a team that needs to rely on cheating to win. We are uber-talented, well-managed, well-funded, well-supported. We should be able to out-think, out-play, out-score our opponents on talent and skill alone. and you know what, if we come up against a team that is smarter than us, or more talented than us, then we should still not cheat to win. this has nothing to do with 'mes que un club' or 'Unicef' or whatever other marketing ploy the board has come up with. it is wrong to cheat. it is wrong to get a player from an opposing team sent off. It has nothing to do with the other fans or our brand or whatever. As a person, me, it is wrong to cheat. these are things I believe in. I don't even cheat in video games. this is about what is right and what is wrong. that simple.


The Reckoner
he needs to grow the f**k up. hopefully this incident forces him to act like a man. That was embarrassing.

EDIT: also, great quote from Scarface but I don't see what it has to do w/ this. Busquets acted like a girl. Tony Montana ruined his entire organization because he didn't want to kill a woman/kids. That's what a man does. he stands up for his principles. here is another Scarface quote "I have two things in this world, my balls and my word. And I don't break them for nobody." When Busquets (or any other FCB player does that) what principles are they standing for (or rather, diving for)? how could you possibly take anyone who dives/rolls around as an principled man/man of their word? Weren't we all over Drogba for acting like a little bitch? You speak of the hypocrisy of rooting for a football club, I see nothing but bullshit. If we act a fool, we have no basis to complain when any player dives/time wastes/pretends to be shot.


i cant believe no one has shoved him up against a wall and grabbed his nuts and told him to sort it out, part of maturing as a player should have been putting this behind him a long time ago. he wasted the teams time on wednesday needlessly staying down. its just not on. i dont care how much a part of the game it has become, i will never condone it and perhaps the only thing that clouds my love of football is seeing what lucio, busi, cesar and chivu were doing.


immaculately conceived
I don't know who you're talking about,
Probably about me cause I said I can understand CA's public comments regarding him. Not sure why G had to take another dig in this thread but I assume that fits CA's description as well.

Beast is smarter than me in about every aspect (IQ, emotional intelligence, life experience, football knowledge, you name it. beast will outdo my in every single thing) and I definitely respect his opinion and lauded him for that.
But he is as hypocritical as he believes me or anyone else to be on this forum. The same here happened not even a week ago with Higuain, it was an elbow on the shoulder and he fell down like he was shot. Lowe, Stannard, ... all said it was a disgrace of playacting but beast believed it was truly in the face and didn't say a single thing about diving, go read the Real-Zaragoza thread.

It has been said here already: it's the hypocrisy of being a team's fan (and imo definitely on the forum of a rival) and at first I thought he hadn't (which made the beast my instant favourite) but after a period of time I see he has the same problems with objectivity. So still a favourite, but a tainted one. :D

I don't like what Busquets does, really don't. It is not why I support football. The peeking was two steps too far, but I loved it to be on Motta. The biggest cunt on the pitch (during four games I might add this season) got fucked by his own standards and misses the final. I have to love that but that hasn't really anything to do with Busquets.


New member
I don't like what Busquets does, really don't. It is not why I support football. The peeking was two steps too far, but I loved it to be on Motta. The biggest cunt on the pitch (during four games I might add this season) got fucked by his own standards and misses the final. I have to love that but that hasn't really anything to do with Busquets.

that's when i thought that we are gonna get lambasted in the media and part of our image destroyed.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
This shit is overblown... Sure Busquets was an idiot, especially the peekaboo bit, but we see this in every single football game, and not only professional, even in amateur and "just for fun" football you get the player who drops dead to the ground when someone is close, so I don't get why everyone is acting like this was the cheating of the century. I understand that acting like a bitch can be annoying as all hell, but come on, driving this conversation to the level of morals, ethics and principals is taking it way too far...

The thing is that this has no solution unless FIFA decides to enforce strict rules against this behaviour, even with the yellow card for faking a penalty, we still see it almost every game, even by our own Dani Alves, who refuses to go after the ball in order to dive gloriously (as seen in both legs against Inter)...


Mike the Knife
Biscuit has been doing this now for 2 seasons...I haven't seen it really improve all that much, tbh...Wish Pique or Puyol would grab the kid by the collar and be like 'Hey, get your act together'


I don't care if he does it tbh, every team does it still they're pointing their fingers towards everyone else.


And everything Meta said.

And the other teams do it against us, let them taste a bit of their medicine.


Senior Member
There is corruption and cheating in the modern game, doesn't mean we follow suit. Two wrongs don't make a right. We 've been unfortunate with officiating. Messi gets kicked around and the perpatrators go unpunished but does all that justify Pusi's pathetic antics and make it more acceptable? Cheating only takes you so far. Karma 'll catch up with you eventually. The actions of first team regulars is observed and emulated by our kids at La Masia. The next thing we know, we'll 've divers emerging out of the Academy. We don't need any of it. Pusi can still be a good player sans the negative antics and Fc Barcelona can survive and excel without being a part of it. We 've all the ingredients.
It takes years of hard work and sweat to build a repute but one silly action can ruin all. As long as Fc Barca is part of a global community it does matter how they are percieved. Success isn't just about lifting trophies, it's that+getting a lot of other things right. From conduct of your players, staff, the establishment, business ethics etc. We don't want all our good work be overshadowed by unnecessary distractions on the pitch. We can do without the negative publicity. I support Barca for myself, yes but i also care about their image just like i would be hurt and react dirt being thrown at someone dear to me esp; when it can be avoided.
But hey, morals, principles and ethics have become obsolete for some. Cheating is in vogue. Everyone else does lets get involved too lest we're left far behind. :)
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New member
It happens, every team has their fair share of players who indulge in a bit of gamesmanship.

Its not right, but its part and parcel of the game now. I was swearing at Busquets on wednesday, but there's players on my team who have performed similar actions and i've turned the other cheek (e.g Rooney vs man city, ronaldo in previous years)...

Its a case of 'he's a ****' when it comes to an opposition player and 'he's a **** but he's our ****' when it comes to players on the team you support...

House of Flies

all your bases belong to us
This game made me a fan TBH.

I perfer when someone like Messi or Iniesta dives though, they rarely bitch to the ref. For me the bitching is 100 times worse than the diving.

exactly and busquets is a cunt of a player that we always needed.

yaya toure just tends to just overly bitch. busquets just took it like a man when motta was assaulting him because he knew that was an act of a very desperate man.

Busquets is so freaking awesome.

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