Seydou Keita


immaculately conceived
I thought he was not good actually. He slowed down everything when in possession and just ran back with the ball most of the time. but he delivers a shitload of work as usual of course so that's cool.


Staff member
Keita and Toure just don't gel together. We were dominating in midfield though and didn't allow our opponents to overrun us at times like we witnessed in some matches this season. So from that aspect, it was well.


New member
i seriously don't really know his job on the field besides running around up and
he has a crazy stamina but he doesn't offer us anything special..


The Reckoner
I'm a big Keita fan, strength+speed+endurance he is probably our best athlete. Would like to see him shred the Arse midfield on weds wth Yaya bossing from deep.


The duel with Real Madrid

However, with the match against Real Madrid getting closer and closer, questions about what could be the biggest match of the season are inevitable. Keita told reporters today that he hadn’t seen the match between Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid at the weekend because he had the feeling that Real would win. Whilst stressing that it is a purely personal opinion, he indicated that “the opponents don’t seem to give 100% against Real Madrid but the Real Madrid players might think the same about us. If they win it’s because they’re going well, because they have some quality players”.

This is a part of what Keita said in his interview today. This has been something I have been saying for a while now about other teams not playing 100% against RM. What do you think?


New member
i feel the exact same way!!!
but then again, rm fans also say that teams didn't give us 100% last year..


Anxiously waiting for the next match
I think Keita will be very important in the arsenal fixture i hope yaya and segi start behind xavi, but keita could prove very useful pestering cesc later on in the match


my sentiments exactly, last year was just a totally different story! You think Man U didnt try their best to beat us? with their 'fantastic 4'?? As soon as RM face a team that ACTUALLY WANT to beat them they lose! Milan, Lyon.....struggled against Zurich


Staff member
Keita was very good in the first part of the season, right until the ACN. I think such athletic players add necessary balance to our team. Not to mention his amazing heading skills..
His latest press statements were just like his celebrations.. awkward.. But I would definitely want to keep him for another season.

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