Summer Olympics Paris - 2024


Senior Member
Well, we could say they forced by extreme brainwashing.
Also, even if RN or whatever so called right wing party would get absolute majority, the political course would stay 100% the same. We have seen it in many Western countries. It's literally Uniparty like in Soviet, but masked under fake choice to lull people into docility.

Doubt it. Have RN ever got majority in France to make this assumption?

Also "brainwashing" as you call it is allowed. Unless you mean they actually got people in a room and turned them into left-voting zombies by injecting something into their brain. Again, doubt that is the case.


Senior Member
Doubt it. Have RN ever got majority in France to make this assumption?

Also "brainwashing" as you call it is allowed. Unless you mean they actually got people in a room and turned them into left-voting zombies by injecting something into their brain. Again, doubt that is the case.
RN would never even get majority due to all the other parties, even those who aren't aligned, clumping together as the muh anti nazi allaince and vote harvesting accordingly. But as i said, even if they did get into government, they would do NOTHING. Nothing ever happens. System prevails.

Yes, brainwashing is allowed. In our society, those, who have more money and are connected together for some goal, no matter how evil, will be able to condition dumb masses to do what they want. Can say it's legal, of course, but it's immoral and anti democratic. It's oligarchy, to term it mildly.
Only cases of sort of democracy that have ever existed, were within smallish homogenous communes, where people know each other and there are no subversive foreign or shadowy elements that can sway the pendulum. And even then it wasn't really universal, but based on caste, social status.

tl;dr - there is no such thing as democracy in the West. It's a sham to direct people into their places, without excess violence (although some is still used).


Senior Member
Manipulation and mass disinformation have always been present in elections and modern politics in general, but on voting day, it's the people that decide the winners and the losers. Shenanigans stop there. In France, in the key moment, the people voted to double down on their extremist left wing branch. It's their country, their society, case closed. They must like it if they don't vote something else.


Senior Member
The problem is that no matter, who you vote in, they continue the course that you didn't like, even if the party you voted for promised they would try to change it.


Senior Member
The problem is that no matter, who you vote in, they continue the course that you didn't like, even if the party you voted for promised they would try to change it.

The issue is that people expect change to happen instantly almost. Completely idiotic. Maybe things don't change over night, but change does happen in time if you vote in a clever way consistently.

I have seen it in my country, people vote a party and they expect them to change in 1 year something that hasn't been changed for 40 years prior to that.


Senior Member
Not really, serghei. They literally continue policies that that voters didn't want them to. Typical examples are so called Italian right wing parties, the latest one with that Meloni chick. They increased migration to full retardo instead of trying to cull it. RN haven't had a chance to do it, but fact that they publicly distanced from AfD (Germany), the only maybe really right wing party (at least in words) in the whole EU, confirms it firmly. Many other examples, but this is not the place. If you want to continue this debate, better post in /politics. Here we laugh at how pathetic is France and their attempt to organize grand event.


Well-known member
Apparently the men's 400m swimming medley final is coming up in 40 minutes. Then after that the women's 100m butterfly final.

I will try to watch those.

The worst thing about sprinting distances in swimming or track is the event is over so fast. Track 100m especially. You wait all that time and it's over in 10 seconds. A bit like Temp when he's with a woman I expect.


Well-known member
Fucking hell man, that French guy Marchand destroyed everyone in the 400m medley. New Olympic record. Was on course for the WR but tired slightly in the final lap.
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