You're welcome
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
You pretend we are solving murder on orient express. It’s very easy to ascertain the sex of a person.
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
Tricky. 😏 I see the point you are making, however, male traits are on average more athletic (stronger) than female ones. Hence the controversy when M2F transexuals or females with male traits compete against biological females in sports where these dominant traits matter the most. If biological females were competing against males, biological females wouldn't have an inherent advantage, although, like you said, depending on the sport, I am sure one could find examples where women are as good or even better then men in certain areas.How do u know CR7 would not have advantages?
maybe some elevated hormones more present in females lead to better ability to focus or better eyesight. I dunno. Surely someone would find a way to come up with arguments as to how is unfair. Just opening a can of worms.
As of now think best way to go about is what doctor puts on birth certificate and drug abuse.
Tricky. 😏 I see the point you are making, however, male traits are on average more athletic (stronger) than female ones. Hence the controversy when M2F transexuals or females with male traits compete against biological females in sports where these dominant traits matter the most. If biological females were competing against males, biological females wouldn't have an inherent advantage, although, like you said, depending on the sport, I am sure one could find examples where women are as good or even better then men in certain areas.
Solution: the Olympics should just create a separate well-defined category for those who aren’t biological males or females to compete in. That way, they too get to compete without any inherent biological advantages. This isn’t about inclusion but rather about fairness.
Yup, time will tell how it goes. There's a difference between a biological woman who has "earned" masculine traits and a woman who has inherited them due to a rare genetic condition (which give them a biological advantage in professional sports).Got to see how this pans out. Seems to me so far is just a “manly” woman. But still woman. Have you seen the arms on Serena Williams? Should her opponents have appealed to haver her examined?
Did he hug someone again ?Morocco beat USA 4-0, they have a good team.
Lol, Garcia already YC in 1st minute, will be a long game.