Swansea vs Wigan Preview
Swansea - 8 (11th)
Wigan - 5 (15th)
Goals scored / conceded
Swansea - 12/11
Wigan - 7/13
Shots per game/ shots conceded per game
Swansea - 14.9/ 15
Wigan - 12.6/ 14
Average Possession/ Pass Accuracy
Swansea - 59.3% (1st), 86.3% (4th)
Wigan - 54.1% (7th), 82.6% (9th)
Total passes complete/ short passes %
Swansea - 3169, 85% short passes
Wigan - 2649, 82% short passes
Swansea - 12 yellow, 2 red
Wigan - 12 yellow, 1 red
Swansea - 12
Wigan - 13
Swansea - 12
Wigan - 12
Dribbles per game
Swansea - 5
Wigan - 5
Arial duels win %
Swansea - 50%
Wigan - 48%
Attack sides
Swansea - left 31%, middle 34%, right 35%
Wigan - left 45%, middle 28%, right 28%
Action zones
Swansea - 30% home half, 47% middle, 24% away half
Wigan - 28% home half, 46% middle, 26% away half
Should be a free flowing game, we had the edge last season picking up 4 points and seeming to control both games but they may have improved due to another year under Martinez. In many ways it will be like playing a lesser version of ourselves, the stats suggest.