The Negreira case


Senior Member
pre-Classico lunch between Laporta and Perez cancelled.

I am pretty sure all that fuss is a facade to keep fans happy that the rivalry is on, but behind the curtains Laporta and Perez are still in contact and allied for the big fish, the ESL


Senior Member
Names, dates, financial documents, tapes. Then we can talk. Until then anyone can yack about whatever they want, while we 1-0 our way to a big season.


Active member
Piqu?: "Real Madrid taking a stand against Bar?a in the Negreira case? I understand why they had not taken a stand against Bar?a and I understand why they are doing so now. The pressure from their fans did this... It's just noise. Nothing more." Just noise.But the scale is impressive. Tebas publicly calls himself a Madridista, or whatever they are called. Laporta must respond harshly.


Culé de Celestial Empire
I understand that Laporta wants to wait for the external investigation to be wrapped up but the longer the club stays silent and offers no explanations (Laporta's public bravado etc. doesn't count), the more culpable we look.


Active member
If all of this clips are not enough for retard like Maribor and others, then don't know...

I will 100% make comps of all of this clips that I can find...

Please post all matches that you know we were robbed.

I would prefer information on Florentino paying officials top dollar. You know actual corruption. Then we can clip away. It is enough for me just to post best sellers of Hernandez Hernandez alone and it covers all of your material. :rockon:

Return of Villarato!

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Senior Member
I would prefer information on Florentino paying officials top dollar. You know actual corruption. Then we can clip away. It is enough for me just to post best sellers of Hernandez Hernandez alone and it covers all of your material. :rockon:

Return of Villarato!

Who is admin here? Ban this idiot troll.

Virgin, from that small idiot country, go watch this clips.


Active member
I understand that Laporta wants to wait for the external investigation to be wrapped up but the longer the club stays silent and offers no explanations (Laporta's public bravado etc. doesn't count), the more culpable we look.

You talk like Tebas. He also calls on Laporta to start making excuses. And this is the first step to defeat. They need noise. He makes excuses, they expose. I'd rather wait for court action.


Senior Member
I really hope that's fiction because that would therefore imply we paid to influence refereeing decisions.

Bribing to counteract (presumably) other perceived bribes makes Barca guilty.

When people refer to "influencing referee decisions", they mean paying referees to give you favors, not paying them to be fair. :lol:

That's extortion. Not bribery. You are basically forced to pay to be left alone by a group of crooks.

Still, the highest probability of this case is Negreira being a lying con man, playing with the paranoia that Barca were and still are quite prone to.
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Senior Member
When people refer to "influencing referee decisions", they mean paying referees to give you favors, not paying them to be fair. :lol:

Mate, 'We paid them to be fair!' is not a legal defense.

If the payments were related to refereeing decisions in any way it is a bribe. Courts don't care about if Barca paid to 'even the score '.

The only defense we have is convincing that the payments were only to do with technical advice, but it is unlikely anyone will buy that.


Senior Member
Barca cant have it both ways and claim Nergeria did not have direct influence on the referees to influence things in clubs favour and in next breath say that they had to pay him for it to be balanced.

That makes no sense.

Their best bet is to say they paid someone in the know to monitor things from inside and provide detailed reports to club on how refs reacted to different teams.

If they argue they 'paid him to infleunce refs' and keep things 'fair' that would be mornoic and get club into trouble big time.


Senior Member
Mate, 'We paid them to be fair!' is not a legal defense.

If the payments were related to refereeing decisions in any way it is a bribe. Courts don't care about if Barca paid to 'even the score '.

The only defense we have is convincing that the payments were only to do with technical advice, but it is unlikely anyone will buy that.

Not necessarily. If you pay somebody in power to leave you alone, it's self defense. That's the difference between extortion and bribery. With extortion, the power is with the one asking the money and having the power. With bribery the power and the initiative is with the one making the payment.


Senior Member
Still, the highest probability of this case is Negreira being a lying con man, playing with the paranoia that Barca were and still are quite prone to.

Mostly agree with something like this.

Unless he had a network of corrupt refs, which is not proven at all, he didn't have a significant amount of influence to the point where he could affect games in favour of us.

He would decide who is demoted and promoted, so I guess he had the power to get rid of refs who were harsher to Madrid or Barca but assuming all refs are not corrupt, there isn't likely to be much of a difference between any of them he chose.

However, that doesn't matter as it relates to criminal charges against us because we still bribed him. But they shouldn't remove any titles on that basis.


Senior Member
Not necessarily. If you pay somebody in power to leave you alone, it's self defense. That's the difference between extortion and bribery. With extortion, the power is with the one asking the money and having the power. With bribery the power and the initiative is with the one making the payment.

That is not the case.

Barca cant argue that they paid to keep the refereeing 'fair' and admit to trying to influence the referees.

Would be one of worst arguments they could put forward.

Barca will try to say as little as possible and claim they paid for verbal reports and leave it for other side to prove corruption would be my guess.


Senior Member
That is not the case.

Barca cant argue that they paid to keep the refereeing 'fair' and admit to trying to influence the referees.

Would be one of worst arguments they could put forward.

Barca will try to say as little as possible and claim they paid for verbal reports and leave it for other side to prove corruption would be my guess.

They know best which type of defense fits best based on how exposed the club is, and what infomation has transpired.

If Negreira had influence over refs, and ability to influence them, and he extorted us to pay him money under the threat that if we don't, bad things will happen to us, then this is also a viable defense.

But of course most likely case is Negreira is full of shit, and nothng happened with the money except the guy got rich getting massively overpaid for a service his son's company performed.
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Senior Member
They know best which type of defense fits best based on how exposed the club is, and what infomation has transpired.

If Negreira had influence over refs, and ability to influence them, and he extorted us to pay him money under the threat that if we don't, bad things will happen to us, then this is also a viable defense.

Nope that wont fly.

If someone comes to club to say they have influence over referees and clubs pays them even just to keep 'fair' they will be hammered.

What they need to do at that point is expose the inddividual not pay him to influence referees

It is not a defence at all which is why it is unlikely they will go down that road and would result in the club being in big trouble.

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