That's correct. The club is in control here imo. If they know they didn't try to influence refs, then it's all fine, it's basically a media scandal, and even then, not that terrible if we are perceived as having that amount of power as to rule La Liga lol.

The fact that a club like Madrid pulled the victim card is hilarious and in some twisted way helps us. Shows that they also have type of complex against Barcelona, it's not just us that have inferiority complex regarding their insane collection of European titles. They must also have some inferiority complex regarding our mega-dominating sides. Deep down they know none of their teams is a match for Pep or MSN Barca. Hilarious to see that manifesting for a club with almost 15 CL titles.
I think our club showed many signs of self-sabotage, especially during Rosell and Barto eras, but to say that we were helped by refs in La Liga is absolutely bonkers and hilarious for anyone that actually watched the games during the period in question.
Morally we're totally fine. Legally, probably fine too if not for some major fuck up from some idiotic President. We could be caught by some sort of technicality, but I doubt it.
If we are cleared in this, we actually look victorious.