Thiago Translantara


Senior Member
Another barto fuck up, laporta is making right.

At his best, he was World class or close to it, can teach our boys a few things at least.


Problem is the tranny and pedo movement is satanic at root.

Why many baphomet statues have female tits and children next to it.

Mind control and mind fucking's out of control too, no one wants to learn they've been conned.
Holy fucking schizophrenia. Please take your medication you mentally deranged lunatic.


He should play the first few games since we'll have everybody injured. Then he'll also get injured himself.

Nice to have him back even if he's not playing. Seems like a smart decision for all parties.


Senior Member
Damn, he looks old. Probably because I stopped following him after he left us, so I still have his young face in my mind.


DAMN! as COOL as it gets!

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