Thiago Translantara


Generally Delightful
Hail to Thiago and a lot of praise unto him as well.

Now I'm starting to regret the pursuit of Fabregas. Not that he isn't good and all but my biggest fear currently is that his arrival will push Thiago out on the fringes just when he is becoming very, very interesting. Nothing worse than another competitor cutting you down on your way to the top.

But again huge praise on Thiago. A God damn jewel he is.


Hi, its me..
Thiago was awesome again, just as he was for spain a few weeks ago, just a shame that if cesc does come.. this kid wont get as much playing time as he should.

Bilal Khan

Tito > Mou
He definitely is. But we still need Cesc 100%

Even if Thiago turns out to be truly world class, then I cannot see the problem of having 4 world class midfielders.


TBH I really doubt if we need fabregas now.. last year we won the double without him and with very little of Thiago, this year there is going to be more of Thiago!!
Wonderful Player! La Masia FTW!!


Bomb Dropper



Active member
we dont need Cesc, after seeing Thiago improving, we dont need him. yes we have many games blah blah but we have keita and thiago and hell even sergi roberto can step up
Thiago is DIAMOND.

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