Thiago Translantara


Bomb Dropper
Apparently his little brother Rafael Alacantara is meant to be an even bigger talent. Fuckin Barca.

I like how Barca don't need Fabregas at the moment but are determined to weaken Arsenal significantly.

Just what the world needs, another technical midget blossoming at Barca....




In 2008-2009, Pep started to give Busquets a try. There was really no place available for Busquets in the rotation, proven, famous, expensive players were ahead of him.

Pedro got his first playing time in 2008-2009, looked good. There was no place for him in the rotation at the start of 2009-2010, proven, famous, expensive players were ahead of him.

Thiago got his first chances in 2010-2011, looked promising. At the start of 2011-2012, two of the top three in FIFA player of the year were ahead of him.

Pep does not name his lineups based on resumes. Young players become regulars as soon as their play merits it.


Flair Trait
What a performance from him, he is absolutely another star from la masia and is going to be one of the worlds best midfielders within the next few years. Nice flick from affelay before the goal as well...


New member
Well, he didn't boss the midfield as you would expect. Lost too many balls, sometimes made some really wrong decisions and didn't fill the spaces to find the ball. It's lack of experience, I think. He's stronger and faster player than Xavi and Iniesta, and better in defense and shooting on the goal. With time spent on the field better understanding of the game should come naturally, I hope so at least, and if (or it's maybe better to say 'when') it does, we will have a true successor in the midfield.


New member
also the touch before the goal to take down keita's pass, simply amazing control. also the touch before the goal to take down keita's pass, simply amazing control. he should be the next ambassador for the ctr360 boots instead of cesc

yup, he killed the ball with absolute beauty.

He's not the next Xavi; perhaps he'll never be. He's something else. A little bit of Xavi, little of Iniesta and a little bit of Ronnie.



Staff member
Who needs Cesc if Thiago is so good, right? Still, pep is a stubborn man and I don't think he will change his intentions regarding Cesc based on few games. If anything he will do quite the opposite of what people expect from him.
Considering Arsenal doesn't seem to budge, my opinion is, we should just drop the chase.


New member
Agree with Bojan although I'm of course biased and want Cesc to stay. Thiago is excellent, I honestly think he's good enough to fill in for Xavi or Iniesta when they're injured. He's only going to get better with experience and he's potentially better than Fabregas. It'll be a shame if he doesn't get that much playing time cos of Cesc signing, I really want to see more of him.

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